Psalms Of David 96-100 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 96.

   1  O sing a new song to the Lord:
         sing all the earth to God.
   2  To God sing, bless his name, show still
         his saving health abroad.

   3  Among the heathen nations
         his glory do declare;
      And unto all the people show
         his works that wondrous are.

   4  For great's the Lord, and greatly he
         is to be magnified;
      Yea, worthy to be feared is he
         above all gods beside.

   5  For all the gods are idols dumb,
         which blinded nations fear;
      But our God is the Lord, by whom
         the heav'ns created were.

   6  Great honor is before his face,
         and majesty divine;
      Strength is within his holy place,
         and there doth beauty shine.

   7  Do ye ascribe unto the Lord,
         of people ev'ry tribe,
      Glory do ye unto the Lord,
         and mighty pow'r ascribe.

   8  Give ye the glory to the Lord
         that to his name is due;
      Come ye into his courts, and bring
         an offering with you.

   9  In beauty of his holiness,
         O do the Lord adore;
      Likewise let all the earth throughout
         tremble his face before.

  10  Among the heathen say, God reigns;
         the world shall steadfastly
      Be fixed from moving; he shall judge
         the people righteously.

  11  Let heav'ns be glad before the Lord,
         and let the earth rejoice;
      Let seas, and all that is therein,
         cry out, and make a noise.

  12  Let fields rejoice, and ev'ry thing
         that springeth of the earth:
      Then woods and ev'ry tree shall sing
         with gladness and with mirth

  13  Before the Lord; because he comes,
         to judge the earth comes he:
      He'll judge the world with righteousness,
         the people faithfully.

Psalm 97.

 1  God reigneth, let the earth be glad,
       and isles rejoice each one.
 2  Dark clouds him compass; and in right
       with judgment dwells his throne.

 3  Fire goes before him, and his foes
       it burns up round about:
 4  His lightnings lighten did the world;
       earth saw, and shook throughout.

 5  Hills at the presence of the Lord,
       like wax, did melt away;
    Ev'n at the presence of the Lord
       of all the earth, I say.

 6  The heav'ns declare his righteousness,
       all men his glory see.
 7  All who serve graven images,
       confounded let them be.

    Who do of idols boast themselves,
       let shame upon them fall:
    Ye that are called gods, see that
       ye do him worship all.

 8  Zion did hear, and joyful was,
       glad Judah's daughters were;
    They much rejoiced, O Lord, because
       thy judgments did appear.

 9  For thou, O Lord, art high above
       all things on earth that are;
    Above all other gods thou art
       exalted very far.

10  Hate ill, all ye that love the Lord:
       his saints' souls keepeth he;
    And from the hands of wicked men
       he sets them safe and free.

11  For all those that be righteous
       sown is a joyful light,
    And gladness sown is for all those
       that are in heart upright.

12  Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;
       express your thankfulness,
    When ye into your memory
       do call his holiness.

Psalm 98.

   1  O sing a new song to the Lord,
         for wonders he hath done:
      His right hand and his holy arm
         him victory hath won.

   2  The Lord God his salvation
          hath caused to be known;
      His justice in the heathen's sight
          he openly hath shown.

   3  He mindful of his grace and truth
         to Isr'el's house hath been;
      And the salvation of our God
         all ends of th' earth have seen.

   4  Let all the earth unto the Lord
         send forth a joyful noise;
      Lift up your voice aloud to him,
         sing praises, and rejoice.

   5  With harp, with harp, and voice of psalms,
         unto Jehovah sing:
   6  With trumpets, cornets, gladly sound
         before the Lord the King.

   7  Let seas and all their fullness roar;
         the world, and dwellers there;
   8  Let floods clap hands, and let the hills
         together joy declare

   9  Before the Lord; because he comes,
         to judge the earth comes he:
      He'll judge the world with righteousness,
         his folk with equity.

Psalm 99.

   1  Th' eternal Lord doth reign as king,
         let all the people quake;
      He sits between the cherubims,
         let th' earth be moved and shake.

   2  The Lord in Zion great and high
         above all people is;
   3  Thy great and dreadful name (for it
         is holy) let them bless.

   4  The king's strength also judgment loves;
         thou settlest equity:
      Just judgment thou dost execute
         in Jacob righteously.

   5  The Lord our God exalt on high,
         and rev'rently do ye
      Before his footstool worship him:
         the Holy One is he.

   6  Moses and Aaron 'mong his priests,
         Samuel, with them that call
      Upon his name: these called on God,
         and he them answered all.

   7  Within the pillar of the cloud
         he unto them did speak:
      The testimonies he them taught,
         and laws, they did not break.

   8  Thou answer'dst them, O Lord our God;
         thou wast a God that gave
      Pardon to them, though on their deeds
         thou wouldest vengeance have.

   9  Do ye exalt the Lord our God,
         and at his holy hill
      Do ye him worship: for the Lord
         our God is holy still.

Psalm 100 - First Version.

 1  All people that on earth do dwell,
       Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
 2  Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell,
       Come ye before him and rejoice.

 3  Know that the Lord is God indeed;
       Without our aid he did us make:
    We are his flock, he doth us feed,
       And for his sheep he doth us take.

 4  O enter then his gates with praise,
       Approach with joy his courts unto:
    Praise, laud, and bless his name always,
       For it is seemly so to do.

 5  For why? the Lord our God is good,
       His mercy is for ever sure;
    His truth at all times firmly stood,
       And shall from age to age endure.

Psalm 100 - Second Version.

 1  O all ye lands, unto the Lord
       make ye a joyful noise.
 2  Serve God with gladness, him before
       come with a singing voice.

 3  Know ye the Lord that he is God;
       not we, but he us made:
    We are his people, and the sheep
       within his pasture fed.

 4  Enter his gates and courts with praise,
       to thank him go ye thither:
    To him express your thankfulness,
       and bless his name together.

 5  Because the Lord our God is good,
       his mercy faileth never;
    And to all generations
       his truth endureth ever.

Psalms 101-105

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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