Psalms Of David 101-105 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 101.

 1  I mercy will and judgment sing,
       Lord, I will sing to thee.
 2  With wisdom in a perfect way
       shall my behavior be.

    O when, in kindness unto me,
        wilt thou be pleased to come?
    I with a perfect heart will walk
        within my house at home.

 3  I will endure no wicked thing
       before mine eyes to be:
    I hate their work that turn aside,
       it shall not cleave to me.

 4  A stubborn and a froward heart
       depart quite from me shall;
    A person giv'n to wickedness
       I will not know at all.

 5  I'll cut him off that slandereth
       his neighbor privily:
    The haughty heart I will not bear,
       nor him that looketh high.

 6  Upon the faithful of the land
       mine eyes shall be, that they
    May dwell with me: he shall me serve
       that walks in perfect way.

 7  Who of deceit a worker is
       in my house shall not dwell;
    And in my presence shall he not
       remain that lies doth tell.

 8  Yea, all the wicked of the land
       early destroy will I;
    All from God's city to cut off
       that work iniquity.

Psalm 102 - First Version.

  1  O Lord, unto my pray'r give ear,
        my cry let come to thee;
  2  And in the day of my distress
        hide not thy face from me.

     Give ear to me; what time I call,
        to answer me make haste:
  3  For, as an hearth, my bones are burnt,
        my days, like smoke, do waste.

  4  My heart within me smitten is,
        and it is withered
     Like very grass; so that I do
        forget to eat my bread.

  5  By reason of my groaning voice
        my bones cleave to my skin.
  6  Like pelican in wilderness
        forsaken I have been:

     I like an owl in desert am,
        that nightly there doth moan;
  7  I watch, and like a sparrow am
        on the house-top alone.

  8  My bitter en'mies all the day
        reproaches cast on me;
     And, being mad at me, with rage
        against me sworn they be.

  9  For why? I ashes eaten have
        like bread, in sorrows deep;
     My drink I also mingled have
        with tears that I did weep.

 10  Thy wrath and indignation
        did cause this grief and pain;
     For thou hast lift me up on high,
        and cast me down again.

 11  My days are like unto a shade,
        which doth declining pass;
     And I am dried and withered,
        ev'n like unto the grass.

 12  But thou, Lord, everlasting art,
        and thy remembrance shall
     Continually endure, and be
        to generations all.

 13  Thou shalt arise, and mercy have
        upon thy Zion yet;
     The time to favor her is come,
        the time that thou hast set.

 14  For in her rubbish and her stones
        thy servants pleasure take;
     Yea, they the very dust thereof
        do favor for her sake.

 15  So shall the heathen people fear
        the Lord's most holy name;
     And all the kings on earth shall dread
        thy glory and thy fame.

 16  When Zion by the mighty Lord
        built up again shall be,
     In glory then and majesty
        to men appear shall he.

 17  The prayer of the destitute
        he surely will regard;
     Their prayer will he not despise,
        by him it shall be heard.

 18  For generations yet to come
        this shall be on record:
     So shall the people that shall be
        created praise the Lord.

 19  He from his sanctuary's height
        hath downward cast his eye;
     And from his glorious throne in heav'n
        the Lord the earth did spy;

 20  That of the mournful prisoner
        the groanings he might hear,
     To set them free that unto death
        by men appointed are:

 21  That they in Zion may declare
        the Lord's most holy name,
     And publish in Jerusalem
        the praises of the same;

22   When as the people gather shall
          in troops with one accord,
     When kingdoms shall assembled be
          to serve the highest Lord.

 23  My wonted strength and force he hath
        abated in the way,
     And he my days hath shortened:
 24      Thus therefore did I say,

     My God, in mid-time of my days
        take thou me not away:
     From age to age eternally
        thy years endure and stay.

 25  The firm foundation of the earth
        of old time thou hast laid;
     The heavens also are the work
        which thine own hands have made.

 26  Thou shalt for evermore endure,
        but they shall perish all;
     Yea, ev'ry one of them wax old,
        like to a garment, shall:

     Thou, as a vesture, shalt them change,
        and they shall changed be:
 27  But thou the same art, and thy years
        are to eternity.

 28  The children of thy servants shall
        continually endure;
     And in thy sight, O Lord, their seed
        shall be established sure.

Psalm 102 - Second Version.

  1  Lord, hear my pray'r, and let my cry
        Have speedy access unto thee;
  2  In day of my calamity
        O hide not thou thy face from me.

     Hear when I call to thee; that day
        An answer speedily return:
  3  My days, like smoke, consume away,
        And, as an hearth, my bones do burn.

  4  My heart is wounded very sore,
        And withered, like grass doth fade:
     I am forgetful grown therefore
        To take and eat my daily bread.

  5  By reason of my smart within,
        And voice of my most grievous groans,
     My flesh consumed is, my skin,
        All parched, doth cleave unto my bones.

  6  The pelican of wilderness,
        The owl in desert, I do match;
  7  And, sparrow-like, companionless,
        Upon the house's top, I watch.

  8  I all day long am made a scorn,
        Reproached by my malicious foes:
     The madmen are against me sworn,
        The men against me that arose.

  9  For I have ashes eaten up,
        To me as if they had been bread;
     And with my drink I in my cup
        Of bitter tears a mixture made.

 10  Because thy wrath was not appeased,
        And dreadful indignation:
     Therefore it was that thou me raised,
        And thou again didst cast me down.

 11  My days are like a shade alway,
        Which doth declining swiftly pass;
     And I am withered away,
        Much like unto the fading grass.

 12  But thou, O Lord, shalt still endure,
        From change and all mutation free,
     And to all generations sure
        Shall thy remembrance ever be.

 13  Thou shalt arise, and mercy yet
        Thou to mount Zion shalt extend:
     Her time for favor which was set,
        Behold, is now come to an end.

 14  Thy saints take pleasure in her stones,
        Her very dust to them is dear.
 15  All heathen lands and kingly thrones
        On earth thy glorious name shall fear.

 16  God in his glory shall appear,
        When Zion he builds and repairs.
 17  He shall regard and lend his ear
        Unto the needy's humble pray'rs:

     Th' afflicted's pray'r he will not scorn.
 18      All times this shall be on record:
     And generations yet unborn
        Shall praise and magnify the Lord.

 19  He from his holy place looked down,
        The earth he viewed from heav'n on high;
 20  To hear the pris'ner's mourning groan,
        And free them that are doomed to die;

 21  That Zion, and Jerus'lem too,
        His name and praise may well record,
 22  When people and the kingdoms do
        Assemble all to praise the Lord.

 23  My strength he weakened in the way,
        My days of life he shortened.
 24  My God, O take me not away
        In mid-time of my days, I said:

     Thy years throughout all ages last.
 25      Of old thou hast established
     The earth's foundation firm and fast:
        Thy mighty hands the heav'ns have made.

 26  They perish shall, as garments do,
        But thou shalt evermore endure;
     As vestures, thou shalt change them so;
        And they shall all be changed sure:

 27  But from all changes thou art free;
        Thy endless years do last for aye.
 28  Thy servants, and their seed who be,
        Established shall before thee stay.

Psalm 103.

  1  O thou my soul, bless God the Lord;
        and all that in me is
     Be stirred up his holy name
        to magnify and bless.

  2  Bless, O my soul, the Lord thy God,
        and not forgetful be
     Of all his gracious benefits
        he hath bestowed on thee.

  3  All thine iniquities who doth
        most graciously forgive:
     Who thy diseases all and pains
        doth heal, and thee relieve.

  4  Who doth redeem thy life, that thou
        to death may'st not go down;
     Who thee with loving-kindness doth
        and tender mercies crown:

  5  Who with abundance of good things
        doth satisfy thy mouth;
     So that, ev'n as the eagle's age,
        renewed is thy youth.

  6  God righteous judgment executes
        for all oppressed ones.
  7  His ways to Moses, he his acts
        made known to Isr'el's sons.

  8  The Lord our God is merciful,
        and he is gracious,
     Long-suffering, and slow to wrath,
        in mercy plenteous.

  9  He will not chide continually,
        nor keep his anger still.
 10  With us he dealt not as we sinned,
        nor did requite our ill.

 11  For as the heaven in its height
        the earth surmounteth far;
     So great to those that do him fear
         his tender mercies are:

 12  As far as east is distant from
        the west, so far hath he
     From us removed, in his love,
        all our iniquity.

 13  Such pity as a father hath
        unto his children dear;
     Like pity shews the Lord to such
        as worship him in fear.

 14  For he remembers we are dust,
        and he our frame well knows.
 15  Frail man, his days are like the grass,
        as flow'r in field he grows:

 16  For over it the wind doth pass,
        and it away is gone;
     And of the place where once it was
        it shall no more be known.

 17  But unto them that do him fear
        God's mercy never ends;
     And to their children's children still
        his righteousness extends:

 18  To such as keep his covenant,
        and mindful are alway
     Of his most just commandements,
        that they may them obey.

 19  The Lord prepared hath his throne
        in heavens firm to stand;
     And ev'ry thing that being hath
        his kingdom doth command.

 20  O ye his angels, that excel
        in strength, bless ye the Lord;
     Ye who obey what he commands,
        and hearken to his word.

 21  O bless and magnify the Lord,
        ye glorious hosts of his;
     Ye ministers, that do fulfil
        whate'er his pleasure is.

 22  O bless the Lord, all ye his works,
        wherewith the world is stored
     In his dominions ev'ry where.
        My soul, bless thou the Lord.

Psalm 104.

  1  Bless God, my soul. O Lord my God,
        thou art exceeding great;
     With honour and with majesty
        thou clothed art in state.

  2  With light, as with a robe, thyself
        thou coverest about;
     And, like unto a curtain, thou
        the heavens stretchest out.

  3  Who of his chambers doth the beams
        within the waters lay;
     Who doth the clouds his chariot make,
        on wings of wind make way.

  4  Who flaming fire his ministers,
        his angels sp'rits, doth make:
  5  Who earth's foundations did lay,
        that it should never shake.

  6  Thou didst it cover with the deep,
        as with a garment spread:
     The waters stood above the hills,
        when thou the word but said.

  7  But at the voice of thy rebuke
        they fled, and would not stay;
     They at thy thunder's dreadful voice
        did haste them fast away.

  8  They by the mountains do ascend,
        and by the valley-ground
     Descend, unto that very place
        which thou for them didst found.

  9  Thou hast a bound unto them set,
        that they may not pass over,
     That they do not return again
        the face of earth to cover.

 10  He to the valleys sends the springs,
        which run among the hills:
 11  They to all beasts of field give drink,
        wild asses drink their fills.

 12  By them the fowls of heav'n shall have
        their habitation,
     Which do among the branches sing
        with delectation.

 13  He from his chambers watereth
        the hills, when they are dry'd:
     With fruit and increase of thy works
        the earth is satisfied.

 14  For cattle he makes grass to grow,
        he makes the herb to spring
     For th' use of man, that food to him
        he from the earth may bring;

 15  And wine, that to the heart of man
        doth cheerfulness impart,
     Oil that his face makes shine, and bread
        that strengtheneth his heart.

 16  The trees of God are full of sap;
        the cedars that do stand
     In Lebanon, which planted were
        by his almighty hand.

 17  Birds of the air upon their boughs
        do choose their nests to make;
     As for the stork, the fir-tree she
        doth for her dwelling take.

 18  The lofty mountains for wild goats
        a place of refuge be;
     The conies also to the rocks
        do for their safety flee.

 19  He sets the moon in heav'n, thereby
        the seasons to discern:
     From him the sun his certain time
        of going down doth learn.

 20  Thou darkness mak'st, 'tis night, then beasts
        of forests creep abroad.
 21  The lions young roar for their prey,
        and seek their meat from God.

 22  The sun doth rise, and home they flock,
        down in their dens they lie.
 23  Man goes to work, his labour he
        doth to the ev'ning ply.

 24  How manifold, Lord, are thy works!
        in wisdom wonderful
     Thou ev'ry one of them hast made;
        earth's of thy riches full:

 25  So is this great and spacious sea,
        wherein things creeping are,
     Which numbered cannot be; and beasts
        both great and small are there.

 26  There ships go; there thou mak'st to play
        that leviathan great.
 27  These all wait on thee, that thou may'st
        in due time give them meat.

 28  That which thou givest unto them
        they gather for their food;
     Thine hand thou open'st lib'rally,
        they fill-ed are with good.

 29  Thou hid'st thy face; they troubled are,
        their breath thou tak'st away;
     Then do they die, and to their dust
        return again do they.

 30  Thy quick'ning spirit thou send'st forth,
        then they created be;
     And then the earth's decayed face
        renewed is by thee.

 31  The glory of the mighty Lord
        continue shall for ever:
     The Lord Jehovah shall rejoice
        in all his works together.

 32  Earth, as affrighted, trembleth all,
        if he on it but look;
     And if the mountains he but touch,
        they presently do smoke.

 33  I will sing to the Lord most high,
        so long as I shall live;
     And while I being have I shall
        to my God praises give.

 34  Of him my meditation shall
        sweet thoughts to me afford;
     And as for me, I will rejoice
        in God, my only Lord.

 35  From earth let sinners be consumed,
        let ill men no more be.
     O thou my soul, bless thou the Lord.
        Praise to the Lord give ye. 

Psalm 105.

  1  Give thanks to God, call on his name;
        to men his deeds make known.
  2  Sing ye to him, sing psalms; proclaim
        his wondrous works each one.

  3  See that ye in his holy name
        to glory do accord;
     And let the heart of ev'ry one
        rejoice that seeks the Lord.

  4  The Lord Almighty, and his strength,
        with steadfast hearts seek ye:
     His blessed and his gracious face
        seek ye continually.

  5  Think on the works that he hath done,
        which admiration breed;
     His wonders, and the judgments all
        which from his mouth proceed;

  6  O ye that are of Abr'ham's race,
        his servant well approv'n;
     And ye that Jacob's children are,
        whom he chose for his own.

  7  Because he, and he only, is
        the mighty Lord our God;
     And his most righteous judgments are
        in all the earth abroad.

  8  His cov'nant he remembered hath,
        that it may ever stand:
     To thousand generations
        the word he did command.

  9  Which covenant he firmly made
        with faithful Abraham,
     And unto Isaac, by his oath,
        he did renew the same:

 10  And unto Jacob, for a law,
        he made it firm and sure,
     A covenant to Israel,
        which ever should endure.

 11  He said, I'll give Canaan's land
        for heritage to you;
 12  While they were strangers there, and few,
        in number very few:

 13  While yet they went from land to land
        without a sure abode;
     And while through sundry kingdoms they
        did wander far abroad;

 14  Yet, notwithstanding suffered he
        no man to do them wrong:
     Yea, for their sakes, he did reprove
        kings, who were great and strong.

 15  Thus did he say, Touch ye not those
        that mine anointed be,
     Nor do the prophets any harm
        that do pertain to me.

 16  He called for famine on the land,
        he brake the staff of bread:
 17  But yet he sent a man before,
        by whom they should be fed;

     Ev'n Joseph, whom unnat'rally
        sell for a slave did they;
 18  Whose feet with fetters they did hurt,
        and he in irons lay;

 19  Until the time that his word came
        to give him liberty;
     The word and purpose of the Lord
        did him in prison try.

 20  Then sent the king, and did command
        that he enlarged should be:
     He that the people's ruler was
        did send to set him free.

 21  A lord to rule his family
        he raised him, as most fit;
     To him of all that he possessed
        he did the charge commit:

 22  That he might at his pleasure bind
        the princes of the land;
     And he might teach his senators
        wisdom to understand.

 23  The people then of Israel
        down into Egypt came;
     And Jacob also sojourned
        within the land of Ham.

 24  And he did greatly by his pow'r
        increase his people there;
     And stronger than their enemies
        they by his blessing were.

 25  Their heart he turned to envy
        his folk maliciously,
     With those that his own servants were
        to deal in subtlety.

 26  His servant Moses he did send,
        Aaron his chosen one.
 27  By these his signs and wonders great
        in Ham's land were made known.

 28  Darkness he sent, and made it dark;
        his word they did obey.
 29  He turned their waters into blood,
        and he their fish did slay.

 30  The land in plenty brought forth frogs
        in chambers of their kings.
 31  His word all sorts of flies and lice
        in all their borders brings.

 32  He hail for rain, and flaming fire
        into their land he sent:
 33  And he their vines and fig-trees smote:
        trees of their coasts he rent.

 34  He spake, and caterpillars came,
        locusts did much abound;
 35  Which in their land all herbs consumed,
        and all fruits of their ground.

 36  He smote all first-born in their land,
        chief of their strength each one.
 37  With gold and silver brought them forth,
        weak in their tribes were none.

 38  Egypt was glad when forth they went,
        their fear on them did light.
 39  He spread a cloud for covering,
        and fire to shine by night.

 40  They asked, and he brought quails: with bread
        of heav'n he fill-ed them.
 41  He opened rocks, floods gushed, and ran
        in deserts like a stream.

 42  For on his holy promise he,
        and servant Abr'ham, thought.
 43  With joy his people, his elect
        with gladness, forth he brought.

 44  And unto them the pleasant lands
        he of the heathen gave;
     That of the people's labor they
        inheritance might have.

 45  That they his statutes might observe
        according to his word;
     And that they might his laws obey.
        Give praise unto the Lord.

Psalms 106-110

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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