Psalms Of David 21-25 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 21.

   1  The king in thy great strength, O Lord,
         shall very joyful be:
      In thy salvation rejoice
         how veh'mently shall he!

   2  Thou hast bestowed upon him
         all that his heart would have;
      And thou from him didst not withhold
         whate'er his lips did crave.

   3  For thou with blessings him prevent'st
         of goodness manifold;
      And thou hast set upon his head
         a crown of purest gold.

   4  When he desired life of thee,
         thou life to him didst give;
      Ev'n such a length of days, that he
         for evermore should live.

   5  In that salvation wrought by thee
         his glory is made great;
      Honor and comely majesty
         thou hast upon him set.

   6  Because that thou for evermore
         most blessed hast him made;
      And thou hast with thy countenance
         made him exceeding glad.

   7  Because the king upon the Lord
         his confidence doth lay;
      And through the grace of the most High
         shall not be moved away.

   8  Thine hand shall all those men find out
         that en'mies are to thee;
      Ev'n thy right hand shall find out those
         of thee that haters be.

   9  Like fiery ov'n thou shalt them make,
         when kindled is thine ire;
      God shall them swallow in his wrath,
         devour them shall the fire.

  10  Their fruit from earth thou shalt destroy,
         their seed men from among:
  11  For they beyond their might 'gainst thee
         did plot mischief and wrong.

  12  Thou therefore shalt make them turn back,
         when thou thy shafts shalt place
      Upon thy strings, made ready all
         to fly against their face.

  13  In thy great pow'r and strength, O Lord,
         be thou exalted high;
      So shall we sing with joyful hearts,
         thy power praise shall we.

Psalm 22.

   1  My God, my God, why hast thou me
         forsaken? why so far
      Art thou from helping me, and from
         my words that roaring are?

   2  All day, my God, to thee I cry,
         yet am not heard by thee;
      And in the season of the night
         I cannot silent be.

   3  But thou art holy, thou that dost
         inhabit Isr'el's praise.
   4  Our fathers hoped in thee, they hoped
         and thou didst them release.

   5  When unto thee they sent their cry,
         to them deliv'rance came:
      Because they put their trust in thee,
         they were not put to shame.

   6  But as for me, a worm I am,
         and as no man am prized:
      Reproach of men I am, and by
         the people am despised.

   7  All that me see laugh me to scorn;
         shoot out the lip do they;
      They nod and shake their heads at me,
         and, mocking, thus do say,

   8  This man did trust in God, that he
         would free him by his might:
      Let him deliver him, sith he
         had in him such delight.

   9  But thou art he out of the womb
         that didst me safely take;
      When I was on my mother's breasts
         thou me to hope didst make.

  10  And I was cast upon thy care,
         ev'n from the womb till now;
      And from my mother's belly, Lord,
         my God and guide art thou.

  11  Be not far off, for grief is near,
         and none to help is found.
  12  Bulls many compass me, strong bulls
         of Bashan me surround.

  13  Their mouths they opened wide on me,
         upon me gape did they,
      Like to a lion ravening
         and roaring for his prey.

  14  Like water I'm poured out, my bones
         all out of joint do part:
      Amidst my bowels, as the wax,
         so melted is my heart.

  15  My strength is like a potsherd dried;
         my tongue it cleaveth fast
      Unto my jaws; and to the dust
         of death thou brought me hast.

  16  For dogs have compassed me about:
         the wicked, that did meet
      In their assembly, me enclosed;
         they pierced my hands and feet.

  17  I all my bones may tell; they do
         upon me look and stare.
  18  Upon my vesture lots they cast,
         and clothes among them share.

  19  But be not far, O Lord, my strength;
         haste to give help to me.
  20  From sword my soul, from pow'r of dogs
         my darling set thou free.

  21  Out of the roaring lion's mouth
         do thou me shield and save:
      For from the horns of unicorns
         an ear to me thou gave.

  22  I will show forth thy name unto
         those that my brethren are;
      Amidst the congregation
         thy praise I will declare.

  23  Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear;
         him glorify all ye
      The seed of Jacob: fear him all
         that Isr'el's children be.

  24  For he despised not nor abhorred
         th' afflicted's misery;
      Nor from him hid his face, but heard
         when he to him did cry.

  25  Within the congregation great
         my praise shall be of thee;
      My vows before them that him fear
         shall be performed by me.

  26  The meek shall eat, and shall be filled;
         they also praise shall give
      Unto the Lord that do him seek:
         your heart shall ever live.

  27  All ends of th' earth remember shall,
         and turn the Lord unto;
      All kindreds of the nations
         to him shall homage do:

  28  Because the kingdom to the Lord
         doth appertain as his;
      Likewise among the nations
         the Governor he is.

  29  Earth's fat ones eat, and worship shall:
         all who to dust descend
      Shall bow to him; none of them can
         his soul from death defend.

  30  A seed shall service do to him;
         unto the Lord it shall
      Be for a generation
         reckon'd in ages all.

  31  They shall come, and they shall declare
         his truth and righteousness
      Unto a people yet unborn,
         and that he hath done this.

Psalm 23.

   1  The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want.
   2     He makes me down to lie
      In pastures green: he leadeth me
         the quiet waters by.

   3  My soul he doth restore again;
         and me to walk doth make
      Within the paths of righteousness,
         ev'n for his own name's sake.

   4  Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,
         yet will I fear none ill:
      For thou art with me; and thy rod
         and staff me comfort still.

   5  My table thou hast furnished
         in presence of my foes;
      My head thou dost with oil anoint,
         and my cup overflows.

   6  Goodness and mercy all my life
         shall surely follow me:
      And in God's house for evermore
         my dwelling-place shall be.

Psalm 24.

   1  The earth belongs unto the Lord,
         and all that it contains;
      The world that is inhabited,
         and all that there remains.

   2  For the foundations thereof
         he on the seas did lay,
      And he hath it established
         upon the floods to stay.

   3  Who is the man that shall ascend
         into the hill of God?
      Or who within his holy place
         shall have a firm abode?

   4  Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure,
         and unto vanity
      Who hath not lifted up his soul,
         nor sworn deceitfully.

   5  He from th' Eternal shall receive
         the blessing him upon,
      And righteousness, ev'n from the God
         of his salvation.

   6  This is the generation
         that after him enquire,
      O Jacob, who do seek thy face
         with their whole heart's desire.

   7  Ye gates, lift up your heads on high;
         ye doors that last for aye,
      Be lifted up, that so the King
         of glory enter may.

   8  But who of glory is the King?
         The mighty Lord is this;
      Ev'n that same Lord, that great in might
         and strong in battle is.

   9  Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors,
         doors that do last for aye,
      Be lifted up, that so the King
         of glory enter may.

  10  But who is he that is the King
         of glory? who is this?
      The Lord of hosts, and none but he,
         the King of glory is.

Psalm 25 - First Version.

   1     To thee I lift my soul:
   2     O Lord, I trust in thee:
      My God, let me not be ashamed,
         nor foes triumph o'er me.

   3     Let none that wait on thee
         be put to shame at all;
      But those that without cause transgress,
         let shame upon them fall.

   4     Show me thy ways, O Lord;
         thy paths, O teach thou me:
   5  And do thou lead me in thy truth,
         therein my teacher be:

         For thou art God that dost
         to me salvation send,
      And I upon thee all the day
         expecting do attend.

   6     Thy tender mercies, Lord,
         I pray thee to remember,
      And loving-kindnesses; for they
         have been of old for ever.

   7     My sins and faults of youth
         do thou, O Lord, forget:
      After thy mercy think on me,
         and for thy goodness great.

   8     God good and upright is:
         the way he'll sinners show.
   9  The meek in judgment he will guide,
         and make his path to know.

  10     The whole paths of the Lord
         are truth and mercy sure,
      To those that do his cov'nant keep,
         and testimonies pure.

  11     Now, for thine own name's sake,
         O Lord, I thee entreat
      To pardon mine iniquity;
         for it is very great.

  12     What man is he that fears
         the Lord, and doth him serve?
      Him shall he teach the way that he
         shall choose, and still observe.

  13     His soul shall dwell at ease;
         and his posterity
      Shall flourish still, and of the earth
         inheritors shall be.

  14     With those that fear him is
         the secret of the Lord;
      The knowledge of his covenant
         he will to them afford.

  15     Mine eyes upon the Lord
         continually are set:
      For he it is that shall bring forth
         my feet out of the net.

16     Turn unto me thy face,
       and to me mercy show;
    Because that I am desolate,
       and am brought very low.

  17     My heart's griefs are increased:
         me from distress relieve.
  18  See mine affliction and my pain,
         and all my sins forgive.

  19     Consider thou my foes,
         because they many are;
      And it a cruel hatred is
         which they against me bear.

  20     O do thou keep my soul,
         do thou deliver me:
      And let me never be ashamed,
         because I trust in thee.

  21     Let uprightness and truth
         keep me, who thee attend.
  22  Redemption, Lord, to Israel
         from all his troubles send.

Psalm 25 - Second Version.

   1  To thee I lift my soul, O Lord:
   2     My God, I trust in thee:
      Let me not be ashamed; let not
         my foes triumph o'er me.

   3  Yea, let thou none ashamed be
         that do on thee attend:
      Ashamed let them be, O Lord,
         who without cause offend.

   4  Thy ways, Lord, show; teach me thy paths:
   5     Lead me in truth, teach me:
      For of my safety thou art God;
         all day I wait on thee.

   6  Thy mercies, that most tender are,
         do thou, O Lord, remember,
      And loving-kindnesses; for they
         have been of old for ever.

   7  Let not the errors of my youth,
         nor sins, remembered be:
      In mercy, for thy goodness' sake,
         O Lord, remember me.

   8  The Lord is good and gracious,
         he upright is also:
      He therefore sinners will instruct
         in ways that they should go.

   9  The meek and lowly he will guide
         in judgment just alway:
      To meek and poor afflicted ones
         he'll clearly teach his way.

  10  The whole paths of the Lord our God
         are truth and mercy sure,
      To such as keep his covenant,
         and testimonies pure.

  11  Now, for thine own name's sake, O Lord,
         I humbly thee entreat
      To pardon mine iniquity;
         for it is very great.

  12  What man fears God? him shall he teach
         the way that he shall choose.
  13  His soul shall dwell at ease; his seed
         the earth, as heirs, shall use.

  14  The secret of the Lord is with
         such as do fear his name;
      And he his holy covenant
         will manifest to them.

  15  Towards the Lord my waiting eyes
         continually are set;
      For he it is that shall bring forth
         my feet out of the net.

  16  O turn thee unto me, O God,
         have mercy me upon;
      Because I solitary am,
         and in affliction.

  17  Enlarged the griefs are of mine heart;
         me from distress relieve.
  18  See mine affliction and my pain,
         and all my sins forgive.

  19  Consider thou mine enemies,
         because they many are;
      And it a cruel hatred is
         which they against me bear.

  20  O do thou keep my soul; O God,
         do thou deliver me:
      Let me not be ashamed; for I
         do put my trust in thee.

  21  O let integrity and truth
         keep me, who thee attend.
  22  Redemption, Lord, to Israel
         from all his troubles send.

Psalms 26-30

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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