Psalms Of David 16-20 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 16.

   1  Lord, keep me; for I trust in thee.
   2     To God thus was my speech,
      Thou art my Lord; and unto thee
         my goodness doth not reach:

   3  To saints on earth, to th' excellent,
         where my delight's all placed.
   4  Their sorrows shall be multiplied
         to other gods that haste:

      Of their drink-offerings of blood
         I will no off'ring make;
      Yea, neither I their very names
         up in my lips will take.

   5  God is of mine inheritance
         and cup the portion;
      The lot that fallen is to me
         thou dost maintain alone.

   6  Unto me happily the lines
         in pleasant places fell;
      Yea, the inheritance I got
         in beauty doth excel.

   7  I bless the Lord, because he doth
         by counsel me conduct;
      And in the seasons of the night
         my reins do me instruct.

   8  Before me still the Lord I set:
         since it is so that he
      Doth ever stand at my right hand,
         I shall not moved be.

   9  Because of this my heart is glad,
         and joy shall be expressed
      Ev'n by my glory; and my flesh
         in confidence shall rest.

  10  Because my soul in grave to dwell
         shall not be left by thee;
      Nor wilt thou give thine Holy One
         corruption to see.

  11  Thou wilt me show the path of life:
         of joys there is full store
      Before thy face; at thy right hand
         are pleasures evermore.

Psalm 17.

   1  Lord, hear the right, attend my cry,
         unto my pray'r give heed,
      That doth not in hypocrisy
         from feigned lips proceed.

   2  And from before thy presence forth
         my sentence do thou send:
      Toward these things that equal are
         do thou thine eyes intend.

   3  Thou prov'dst mine heart, thou visit'dst me
         by night, thou didst me try,
      Yet nothing found'st; for that my mouth
         shall not sin, purposed I.

   4  As for men's works, I, by the word
         that from thy lips doth flow,
      Did me preserve out of the paths
         wherein destroyers go.

   5  Hold up my goings, Lord, me guide
         in those thy paths divine,
      So that my footsteps may not slide
         out of those ways of thine.

   6  I called have on thee, O God,
          because thou wilt me hear:
       That thou may'st hearken to my speech,
          to me incline thine ear.

   7  Thy wondrous loving-kindness show,
         thou that, by thy right hand,
      Sav'st them that trust in thee from those
         that up against them stand.

   8  As th' apple of the eye me keep;
         in thy wings shade me close
   9  From lewd oppressors, compassing
         me round, as deadly foes.

  10  In their own fat they are enclosed;
         their mouth speaks loftily.
  11  Our steps they compassed; and to ground
         down bowing set their eye.

  12  He like unto a lion is
         that's greedy of his prey,
      Or lion young, which lurking doth
         in secret places stay.

  13  Arise, and disappoint my foe,
         and cast him down, O Lord:
      My soul save from the wicked man,
         the man which is thy sword.

  14  From men, which are thy hand, O Lord,
         from worldly men me save,
      Which only in this present life
         their part and portion have.

      Whose belly with thy treasure hid
         thou fill'st: they children have
      In plenty; of their goods the rest
         they to their children leave.

  15  But as for me, I thine own face
         in righteousness will see;
      And with thy likeness, when I wake,
         I satisfied shall be.

Psalm 18.

   1  Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength.
   2     My fortress is the Lord,
      My rock, and he that doth to me
         deliverance afford:

      My God, my strength, whom I will trust,
         a buckler unto me,
      The horn of my salvation,
         and my high tow'r, is he.

   3  Upon the Lord, who worthy is
         of praises, will I cry;
      And then shall I preserved be
         safe from mine enemy.

   4  Floods of ill men affrighted me,
         death's pangs about me went;
   5  Hell's sorrows me environed;
         death's snares did me prevent.

   6  In my distress I called on God,
         cry to my God did I;
      He from his temple heard my voice,
         to his ears came my cry.

   7  Th' earth, as affrighted, then did shake,
         trembling upon it seized:
      The hills' foundations moved were,
         because he was displeased.

   8  Up from his nostrils came a smoke,
         and from his mouth there came
      Devouring fire, and coals by it
         were turned into flame.

   9  He also bowed down the heav'ns,
         and thence he did descend;
      And thickest clouds of darkness did
         under his feet attend.

  10  And he upon a cherub rode,
         and thereon he did fly;
      Yea, on the swift wings of the wind
         his flight was from on high.

  11  He darkness made his secret place:
         about him, for his tent,
      Dark waters were, and thickest clouds
         of th' airy firmament.

  12  And at the brightness of that light,
         which was before his eye,
      His thick clouds passed away, hailstones
         and coals of fire did fly.

  13  The Lord God also in the heav'ns
         did thunder in his ire;
      And there the Highest gave his voice,
         hailstones and coals of fire.

  14  Yea, he his arrows sent abroad,
         and them he scattered;
      His lightnings also he shot out,
         and them discomfited.

  15  The waters' channels then were seen,
         the world's foundations vast
      At thy rebuke discovered were,
         and at thy nostrils' blast.

  16  And from above the Lord sent down,
         and took me from below;
      From many waters he me drew,
         which would me overflow.

  17  He me relieved from my strong foes,
         and such as did me hate;
      Because he saw that they for me
         too strong were, and too great.

  18  They me prevented in the day
         of my calamity;
      But even then the Lord himself
         a stay was unto me.

  19  He to a place where liberty
         and room was hath me brought;
      Because he took delight in me,
         he my deliv'rance wrought.

  20  According to my righteousness
         he did me recompense,
      He me repaid according to
         my hands' pure innocence.

  21  For I God's ways kept, from my God
         did not turn wickedly.
  22  His judgments were before me, I
         his laws put not from me.

23  Sincere before him was my heart;
       with him upright was I;
    And watchfully I kept myself
       from mine iniquity.

  24  After my righteousness the Lord
         hath recompensed me,
      After the cleanness of my hands
         appearing in his eye.

  25  Thou gracious to the gracious art,
         to upright men upright:
  26  Pure to the pure, froward thou kyth'st
         unto the froward wight.

  27  For thou wilt the afflicted save
         in grief that low do lie:
      But wilt bring down the countenance
         of them whose looks are high.

  28  The Lord will light my candle so,
         that it shall shine full bright:
      The Lord my God will also make
         my darkness to be light.

  29  By thee through troops of men I break,
         and them discomfit all;
      And, by my God assisting me,
         I overleap a wall.

  30  As for God, perfect is his way:
         the Lord his word is try'd;
      He is a buckler to all those
         who do in him confide.

  31  Who but the Lord is God? but he
         who is a rock and stay?
  32  'Tis God that girdeth me with strength,
         and perfect makes my way.

  33  He made my feet swift as the hinds,
         set me on my high places.
  34  Mine hands to war he taught, mine arms
         brake bows of steel in pieces.

  35  The shield of thy salvation
         thou didst on me bestow:
      Thy right hand held me up, and great
         thy kindness made me grow.

  36  And in my way my steps thou hast
         enlarged under me,
      That I go safely, and my feet
         are kept from sliding free.

  37  Mine en'mies I pursued have,
         and did them overtake;
      Nor did I turn again till I
         an end of them did make.

  38  I wounded them, they could not rise;
         they at my feet did fall.
  39  Thou girdedst me with strength for war;
         my foes thou brought'st down all:

  40  And thou hast giv'n to me the necks
         of all mine enemies;
      That I might them destroy and slay,
         who did against me rise.

  41  They cried out, but there was none
         that would or could them save;
      Yea, they did cry unto the Lord,
         but he no answer gave.

  42  Then did I beat them small as dust
         before the wind that flies;
      And I did cast them out like dirt
         upon the street that lies.

  43  Thou mad'st me free from people's strife,
         and heathen's head to be:
      A people whom I have not known
         shall service do to me.

  44  At hearing they shall me obey,
         to me they shall submit.
  45  Strangers for fear shall fade away,
         who in close places sit.

  46  God lives, blessed be my Rock; the God
         of my health praised be.
  47  God doth avenge me, and subdues
         the people under me.

  48  He saves me from mine enemies;
         yea, thou hast lifted me
      Above my foes; and from the man
         of vi'lence set me free.

  49  Therefore to thee will I give thanks
         the heathen folk among;
      And to thy name, O Lord, I will
         sing praises in a song.

  50  He great deliv'rance gives his king:
         he mercy doth extend
      To David, his anointed one,
         and his seed without end.

Psalm 19.

   1  The heav'ns God's glory do declare,
         the skies his hand-works preach:
   2  Day utters speech to day, and night
         to night doth knowledge teach.

   3  There is no speech nor tongue to which
         their voice doth not extend:
   4  Their line is gone through all the earth,
         their words to the world's end.

      In them he set the sun a tent;
   5     Who, bridegroom-like, forth goes
      From's chamber, as a strong man doth
         to run his race rejoice.

   6  From heav'n's end is his going forth,
         circling to th' end again;
      And there is nothing from his heat
         that hidden doth remain.

   7  God's law is perfect, and converts
         the soul in sin that lies:
      God's testimony is most sure,
         and makes the simple wise.

   8  The statutes of the Lord are right,
         and do rejoice the heart:
      The Lord's command is pure, and doth
         light to the eyes impart.

   9  Unspotted is the fear of God,
         and doth endure for ever:
      The judgments of the Lord are true
         and righteous altogether.

  10  They more than gold, yea, much fine gold,
         to be desired are:
      Than honey, honey from the comb
         that droppeth, sweeter far.

  11  Moreover, they thy servant warn
         how he his life should frame:
      A great reward provided is
         for them that keep the same.

  12  Who can his errors understand?
         O cleanse thou me within
  13  From secret faults. Thy servant keep
         from all presumptuous sin:

      And do not suffer them to have
         dominion over me:
      Then, righteous and innocent,
         I from much sin shall be.

  14  The words which from my mouth proceed,
         the thoughts sent from my heart,
      Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength
         and my Redeemer art.

Psalm 20.

   1  Jehovah hear thee in the day
         when trouble he doth send:
      And let the name of Jacob's God
         thee from all ill defend.

   2  O let him help send from above,
         out of his sanctuary:
      From Zion, his own holy hill,
         let him give strength to thee.

   3  Let him remember all thy gifts,
         accept thy sacrifice:
   4  Grant thee thine heart's wish, and fulfill
         thy thoughts and counsel wise.

   5  In thy salvation we will joy;
         in our God's name we will
      Display our banners: and the Lord
         thy prayers all fulfill.

   6  Now know I God his king doth save:
         he from his holy heav'n
      Will hear him, with the saving strength
         by his own right hand giv'n.

   7  In chariots some put confidence,
         some horses trust upon:
      But we remember will the name
         of our Lord God alone.

   8  We rise, and upright stand, when they
         are bowed down, and fall.
   9  Deliver, Lord; and let the King
         us hear, when we do call.

Psalms 21-25

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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