Psalms Of David 136-140 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 136 - First Version.

 1  Give thanks to God, for good is he:
       for mercy hath he ever.
 2  Thanks to the God of gods give ye:
       for his grace faileth never.

 3  Thanks give the Lord of lords unto:
       for mercy hath he ever.
 4  Who only wonders great can do:
       for his grace faileth never.

 5  Who by his wisdom made heav'ns high:
       for mercy hath he ever.
 6  Who stretch'd the earth above the sea:
       for his grace faileth never.

 7  To him that made the great lights shine:
       for mercy hath he ever.
 8  The sun to rule till day decline:
       for his grace faileth never.

 9  The moon and stars to rule by night:
       for mercy hath he ever.
10  Who Egypt's first-born kill'd outright:
       for his grace faileth never.

11  And Isr'el brought from Egypt land:
       for mercy hath he ever.
12  With stretch'd-out arm, and with strong hand:
       for his grace faileth never.

13  By whom the Red sea parted was:
       for mercy hath he ever.
14  And through its midst made Isr'el pass:
       for his grace faileth never.

15  But Phar'oh and his host did drown:
       for mercy hath he ever.
16  Who through the desert led his own:
       for his grace faileth never.

17  To him great kings who overthrew:
       for he hath mercy ever.
18  Yea, famous kings in battle slew:
       for his grace faileth never.

19  Ev'n Sihon king of Amorites:
       for he hath mercy ever.
20  And Og the king of Bashanites:
       for his grace faileth never.

21  Their land in heritage to have:
       (for mercy hath he ever.)
22  His servant Isr'el right he gave:
       for his grace faileth never.

23  In our low state who on us thought:
       for he hath mercy ever.
24  And from our foes our freedom wrought:
       for his grace faileth never.

25  Who doth all flesh with food relieve:
       for he hath mercy ever.
26  Thanks to the God of heaven give:
       for his grace faileth never.

Psalm 136 - Second Version.

 1  Praise God, for he is kind:
    His mercy lasts for aye.
 2  Give thanks with heart and mind
    To God of gods alway:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

 3  The Lord of lords praise ye,
    Whose mercies still endure.
 4  Great wonders only he
    Doth work by his great pow'r
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

 5  Which God omnipotent,
    By might and wisdom high,
    The heav'n and firmament
    Did frame, as we may see:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

 6  To him who did outstretch
    This earth so great and wide,
    Above the waters' reach
    Making it to abide:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

 7  Great lights he made to be;
    For his grace lasteth aye:
 8  Such as the sun we see,
    To rule the lightsome day:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

 9  Also the moon so clear,
    Which shineth in our sight;
    The stars that do appear,
    To guide the darksome night:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

10  To him that Egypt smote,
    Who did his message scorn;
    And in his anger hot
    Did kill all their first-born:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

11  Thence Isr'el out he brought;
    For his grace lasteth ever.
12  With a strong hand he wrought,
    And stretch'd-out arm deliver:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

13  The sea he cut in two;
    For his grace lasteth still.
14  And through its midst to go
    Made his own Israel:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

15  But overwhelm'd and lost
    Was proud king Pharaoh,
    With all his mighty host,
    And chariots there also:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

16  To him who pow'rfully
    His chosen people led,
    Ev'n through the desert dry,
    And in that place them fed:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

17  To him great kings who smote;
    For his grace hath no bound.
18  Who slew, and spared not
    Kings famous and renown'd:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

19  Sihon the Am'rites' king;
    For his grace lasteth ever:
20  Og also, who did reign
    The land of Bashan over:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

21  Their land by lot he gave;
    For his grace faileth never,
22  That Isr'el might it have
    In heritage for ever:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

23  Who hath remembered
    Us in our low estate;
24  And us delivered
    From foes which did us hate:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

25  Who to all flesh gives food;
    For his grace faileth never.
26  Give thanks to God most good,
    The God of heav'n, for ever:
       For certainly
       His mercies dure
       Most firm and sure

Psalm 137.

 1  By Babel's streams we sat and wept,
       when Zion we thought on.
 2  In midst thereof we hanged our harps
       the willow-trees upon.

 3  For there a song required they,
       who did us captive bring:
    Our spoilers called for mirth, and said,
       A song of Zion sing.

 4  O how the Lord's song shall we sing
       within a foreign land?
 5  If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget,
       skill part from my right hand.

 6  My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave,
       if I do thee forget,
    Jerusalem, and thee above
       my chief joy do not set.

 7  Remember Edom's children, Lord,
       who in Jerus'lems day,
    Ev'n unto its foundation,
       Raze, raze it quite, did say.

 8  O daughter thou of Babylon,
       near to destruction;
    Blessed shall he be that thee rewards,
       as thou to us hast done.

 9  Yea, happy surely shall he be
       thy tender little ones
    Who shall lay hold upon, and them
       shall dash against the stones.

Psalm 138.

 1  Thee will I praise with all my heart,
       I will sing praise to thee
 2  Before the gods: And worship will
       toward thy sanctuary.

    I'll praise thy name, ev'n for thy truth,
       and kindness of thy love;
    For thou thy word hast magnified
       all thy great name above.

 3  Thou didst me answer in the day
       when I to thee did cry;
    And thou my fainting soul with strength
       didst strengthen inwardly.

 4  All kings upon the earth that are
       shall give thee praise, O Lord,
    When as they from thy mouth shall hear
       thy true and faithful word.

 5  Yea, in the righteous ways of God
       with gladness they shall sing:
    For great's the glory of the Lord;
       who doth for ever reign.

 6  Though God be high, yet he respects
       all those that lowly be;
    Whereas the proud and lofty ones
       afar off knoweth he.

 7  Though I in midst of trouble walk,
       I life from thee shall have:
    'Gainst my foes' wrath thou'lt stretch thine hand;
       thy right hand shall me save.

 8  Surely that which concerneth me
       the Lord will perfect make:
    Lord, still thy mercy lasts; do not
       thine own hands' works forsake.

Psalm 139.

 1  O Lord, thou hast me searched and known.
 2      Thou know'st my sitting down,
    And rising up; yea, all my thoughts
       afar to thee are known.

 3  My footsteps, and my lying down,
       thou compassest always;
    Thou also most entirely art
       acquaint with all my ways.

 4  For in my tongue, before I speak,
       not any word can be,
    But altogether, lo, O Lord,
       it is well known to thee.

 5  Behind, before, thou hast beset,
       and laid on me thine hand.
 6  Such knowledge is too strange for me,
       too high to understand.

 7  From thy Sp'rit whither shall I go?
       or from thy presence fly?
 8  Ascend I heav'n, lo, thou art there;
       there, if in hell I lie.

 9  Take I the morning wings, and dwell
       in utmost parts of sea;
10  Ev'n there, Lord, shall thy hand me lead,
       thy right hand hold shall me.

11  If I do say that darkness shall
       me cover from thy sight,
    Then surely shall the very night
       about me be as light.

12  Yea, darkness hideth not from thee,
       but night doth shine as day:
    To thee the darkness and the light
       are both alike alway.

13  For thou possessed hast my reins,
       and thou hast covered me,
    When I within my mother's womb
       enclosed was by thee.

14  Thee will I praise; for fearfully
       and strangely made I am;
    Thy works are marv'llous, and right well
       my soul doth know the same.

15  My substance was not hid from thee,
       when as in secret I
    Was made; and in earth's lowest parts
       was wrought most curiously.

16  Thine eyes my substance did behold,
       yet being unperfect;
    And in the volume of thy book
       my members all were writ;

    Which after in continuance
       were fashioned ev'ry one,
    When as they yet all shapeless were,
       and of them there was none.

17  How precious also are thy thoughts,
       O gracious God, to me!
    And in their sum how passing great
       and numberless they be!

18  If I should count them, than the sand
       they more in number be:
    What time soever I awake,
       I ever am with thee.

19  Thou, Lord, wilt sure the wicked slay:
       hence from me bloody men.
20  Thy foes against thee loudly speak,
       and take thy name in vain.

21  Do not I hate all those, O Lord,
       that hatred bear to thee?
    With those that up against thee rise
       can I but grieved be?

22  With perfect hatred them I hate,
       my foes I them do hold.
23  Search me, O God, and know my heart,
       try me, my thoughts unfold:

24  And see if any wicked way
       there be at all in me;
    And in thine everlasting way
       to me a leader be.

Psalm 140.

 1  Lord, from the ill and froward man
       give me deliverance,
    And do thou safe preserve me from
       the man of violence:

 2  Who in their heart mischievous things
       are meditating ever;
    And they for war assembled are
       continually together.

 3  Much like unto a serpent's tongue
       their tongues they sharp do make;
    And underneath their lips there lies
       the poison of a snake.

 4  Lord, keep me from the wicked's hands,
       from vi'lent men me save;
    Who utterly to overthrow
       my goings purposed have.

 5  The proud for me a snare have hid,
       and cords; yea, they a net
    Have by the way-side for me spread;
       they gins for me have set.

 6  I said unto the Lord, Thou art
       my God: unto the cry
    Of all my supplications,
       Lord, do thine ear apply.

 7  O God the Lord, who art the strength
       of my salvation:
    A cov'ring in the day of war
       my head thou hast put on.

 8  Unto the wicked man, O Lord,
       his wishes do not grant;
    Nor further thou his ill device,
       lest they themselves should vaunt.

 9  As for the head and chief of those
       about that compass me,
    Ev'n by the mischief of their lips
       let thou them cover'd be.

10  Let burning coals upon them fall,
       them throw in fiery flame,
    And in deep pits, that they no more
       may rise out of the same.

11  Let not an evil speaker be
       on earth established:
    Mischief shall hunt the vi'lent man,
       till he be ruined.

12  I know God will th' afflicted's cause
       maintain, and poor men's right.
13  Surely the just shall praise thy name;
       th' upright dwell in thy sight.

Psalms 141-145

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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