Psalms Of David 11-15 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 11.

 1  I in the Lord do put my trust:
       how is it then that ye
    Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird,
       unto your mountain high?

 2  For, lo, the wicked bend their bow,
       their shafts on string they fit,
    That those who upright are in heart
       they privily may hit.

 3  If the foundations be destroyed,
       what hath the righteous done?
 4  God in his holy temple is,
       in heaven is his throne:

    His eyes do see, his eye-lids try
 5     men's sons. The just he proves:
    But his soul hates the wicked man,
       and him that vi'lence loves.

 6  Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms,
       on sinners he shall rain:
    This, as the portion of their cup,
       doth unto them pertain.

 7  Because the Lord most righteous doth
       in righteousness delight;
    And with a pleasant countenance
       beholdeth the upright.

Psalm 12.

 1  Help, Lord, because the godly man
       doth daily fade away;
    And from among the sons of men
       the faithful do decay.

 2  Unto his neighbor ev'ry one
       doth utter vanity:
    They with a double heart do speak,
       and lips of flattery.

 3  God shall cut off all flatt'ring lips,
       tongues that speak proudly thus,
 4  We'll with our tongue prevail, our lips
       are ours: who's lord o'er us?

 5  For poor oppressed, and for the sighs
       of needy, rise will I,
    Saith God, and him in safety set
       from such as him defy.

 6  The words of God are words most pure;
       they be like silver tried
    In earthen furnace, seven times
       that hath been purified.

 7  Lord, thou shalt them preserve and keep
       for ever from this race.
 8  On each side walk the wicked, when
       vile men are high in place.

Psalm 13.

 1  How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?
       shall it for ever be?
    O how long shall it be that thou
       wilt hide thy face from me?

 2  How long take counsel in my soul,
       still sad in heart, shall I?
    How long exalted over me
       shall be mine enemy?

 3  O Lord my God, consider well,
       and answer to me make:
    Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep
       of death me overtake:

 4  Lest that mine enemy should say,
       Against him I prevailed;
    And those that trouble me rejoice,
       when I am moved and failed.

 5  But I have all my confidence
       thy mercy set upon;
    My heart within me shall rejoice
       in thy salvation.

 6  I will unto the Lord my God
       sing praises cheerfully,
    Because he hath his bounty shown
       to me abundantly.

Psalm 14.

 1  That there is not a God, the fool
       doth in his heart conclude:
    They are corrupt, their works are vile;
       not one of them doth good.

 2  Upon men's sons the Lord from heav'n
       did cast his eyes abroad,
    To see if any understood,
       and did seek after God.

 3  They altogether filthy are,
       they all aside are gone;
    And there is none that doeth good,
       yea, sure there is not one.

 4  These workers of iniquity
       do they not know at all,
    That they my people eat as bread,
       and on God do not call?

 5  There feared they much; for God is with
       the whole race of the just.
 6  You shame the counsel of the poor,
       because God is his trust.

 7  Let Isr'el's help from Zion come:
       when back the Lord shall bring
    His captives, Jacob shall rejoice,
       and Israel shall sing.

Psalm 15.

   1  Within thy tabernacle, Lord,
         who shall abide with thee?
      And in thy high and holy hill
         who shall a dweller be?

   2  The man that walketh uprightly,
         and worketh righteousness,
      And as he thinketh in his heart,
         so doth he truth express.

   3  Who doth not slander with his tongue,
         nor to his friend doth hurt;
      Nor yet against his neighbor doth
         take up an ill report.

   4  In whose eyes vile men are despised;
         but those that God do fear
      He honoureth; and changeth not,
         though to his hurt he swear.

   5  His coin puts not to usury,
         nor take reward will he
      Against the guiltless. Who doth thus
         shall never moved be.

Psalms 16-20

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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