Psalms Of David 1-5 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship.

Psalm 1.

   1  That man hath perfect blessedness,
         who walketh not astray
      In counsel of ungodly men,
         nor stands in sinners' way,

   2  Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair:
         But placeth his delight
      Upon God's law, and meditates
         on his law day and night.

   3  He shall be like a tree that grows
         near planted by a river,
      Which in his season yields his fruit,
         and his leaf fadeth never:

   4  And all he doth shall prosper well
         The wicked are not so;
      But like they are unto the chaff,
         which wind drives to and fro.

   5  In judgment therefore shall not stand
         such as ungodly are;
       Nor in th' assembly of the just
         shall wicked men appear.

   6  For why? the way of godly men
         unto the Lord is known:
      Whereas the way of wicked men
         shall quite be overthrown.

Psalm 2.

   1  Why rage the heathen? and vain things
         why do the people mind?
   2  Kings of the earth do set themselves,
         and princes are combined,

      To plot against the Lord, and his
         Anointed, saying thus,
   3  Let us asunder break their bands,
         and cast their cords from us.

   4  He that in heaven sits shall laugh;
         the Lord shall scorn them all.
   5  Then shall he speak to them in wrath,
         in rage he vex them shall.

   6  Yet, notwithstanding, I have him
         to be my King appointed;
      And over Zion, my holy hill,
         I have him King anointed.

   7  The sure decree I will declare:
         The Lord hath said to me,
      Thou art mine only Son; this day
         I have begotten thee.

   8  Ask of me, and for heritage
         the heathen I'll make thine;
      And, for possession, I to thee
         will give earth's utmost line.

   9  Thou shalt, as with a weighty rod
         of iron, break them all;
      And, as a potter's sherd, thou shalt
         them dash in pieces small.

  10  Now therefore, kings, be wise; be taught,
         ye judges of the earth:
  11  Serve God in fear, and see that ye
         join trembling with your mirth.

  12  Kiss ye the Son, lest in his ire
         ye perish from the way,
      If once his wrath begin to burn:
         blessed all that on him stay.

Psalm 3.

   1  O Lord, how are my foes increased?
         against me many rise.
   2  Many say of my soul, For him
         in God no succor lies.

   3  Yet thou my shield and glory art,
         th' uplifter of mine head.
   4  I cried, and, from his holy hill,
         the Lord me answer made.

   5  I laid me down and slept; I waked;
         for God sustained me.
   6  I will not fear though thousands ten
         set round against me be.

   7  Arise, O Lord; save me, my God;
         for thou my foes hast stroke
      All on the cheek-bone, and the teeth
         of wicked men hast broke.

   8  Salvation doth appertain
         unto the Lord alone:
      Thy blessing, Lord, for evermore
         thy people is upon.

Psalm 4.

   1  Give ear unto me when I call,
         God of my righteousness:
      Have mercy, hear my pray'r; thou hast
         enlarged me in distress.

   2  O ye the sons of men! how long
         will ye love vanities?
      How long my glory turn to shame,
         and will ye follow lies?

   3  But know, that for himself the Lord
         the godly man doth choose:
      The Lord, when I on him do call,
         to hear will not refuse.

   4  Fear, and sin not; talk with your heart
         on bed, and silent be.
   5  Off 'rings present of righteousness,
         and in the Lord trust ye.

   6  O who will show us any good?
         is that which many say:
      But of thy countenance the light,
         Lord, lift on us alway.

   7  Upon my heart, bestowed by thee,
         more gladness I have found
      Than they, ev'n then, when corn and wine
         did most with them abound.

   8  I will both lay me down in peace,
         and quiet sleep will take;
      Because thou only me to dwell
         in safety, Lord, dost make.

Psalm 5.

   1  Give ear unto my words, O Lord,
         my meditation weigh.
   2  Hear my loud cry, my King, my God;
         for I to thee will pray.

   3  Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice:
         I early will direct
      My pray'r to thee; and, looking up,
         an answer will expect.

   4  For thou art not a God that doth
         in wickedness delight;
      Neither shall evil dwell with thee,
   5     Nor fools stand in thy sight.

      All that ill-doers are thou hat'st;
   6     Cutt'st off that liars be:
      The bloody and deceitful man
         abhorred is by thee.

   7  But I into thy house will come
         in thine abundant grace;
      And I will worship in thy fear
         toward thy holy place.

   8  Because of those mine enemies,
         Lord, in thy righteousness
      Do thou me lead; do thou thy way
         make straight before my face.

   9  For in their mouth there is no truth,
         their inward part is ill;
      Their throat's an open sepulchre,
        their tongue doth flatter still.

  10  O God, destroy them; let them be
         by their own counsel quelled:
      Them for their many sins cast out,
         for they 'gainst thee rebelled.

  11  But let all joy that trust in thee,
         and still make shouting noise;
      For them thou sav'st; let all that love
         thy name in thee rejoice.

  12  For, Lord, unto the righteous man
         thou wilt thy blessing yield:
      With favor thou wilt compass him
         about, as with a shield.

Psalms 6-10

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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