Psalms Of David 66-70 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 66.

   1  All lands to God in joyful sounds,
         aloft your voices raise.
   2  Sing forth the honor of his name,
         and glorious make his praise.

   3  Say unto God, How terrible
         in all thy works art thou!
      Through thy great pow'r thy foes to thee
         shall be constrained to bow.

   4  All on the earth shall worship thee,
         they shall thy praise proclaim
      In songs: they shall sing cheerfully
         unto thy holy name.

   5  Come, and the works that God hath wrought
         with admiration see:
      In's working to the sons of men
         most terrible is he.

   6  Into dry land the sea he turned,
         and they a passage had;
      Ev'n marching through the flood on foot,
         there we in him were glad.

   7  He ruleth ever by his pow'r;
         his eyes the nations see:
      O let not the rebellious ones
         lift up themselves on high.

   8  Ye people, bless our God; aloud
         the voice speak of his praise:
   9  Our soul in life who safe preserves,
         our foot from sliding stays.

  10  For thou didst prove and try us, Lord,
         as men do silver try;
  11  Brought'st us into the net, and mad'st
         bands on our loins to lie.

  12  Thou hast caused men ride o'er our heads;
         and though that we did pass
      Through fire and water, yet thou brought'st
         us to a wealthy place.

  13  I'll bring burnt off 'rings to thy house;
         to thee my vows I'll pay,
  14  Which my lips uttered, my mouth spake,
         when trouble on me lay.

  15  Burnt-sacrifices of fat rams
         with incense I will bring;
      Of bullocks and of goats I will
         present an offering.

  16  All that fear God, come, hear, I'll tell
         what he did for my soul.
  17  I with my mouth unto him cried,
         my tongue did him extol.

  18  If in my heart I sin regard,
         the Lord me will not hear:
  19  But surely God me heard, and to
         my prayer's voice gave ear.

  20  O let the Lord, our gracious God,
         for ever blessed be,
      Who turned not my pray'r from him,
         nor yet his grace from me.

Psalm 67 - First Version.

   1     Lord, bless and pity us,
         shine on us with thy face:
   2  That th' earth thy way, and nations all
         may know thy saving grace.

   3     Let people praise thee, Lord;
         let people all thee praise.
   4  O let the nations be glad,
         in songs their voices raise:

         Thou'lt justly people judge,
         on earth rule nations all.
   5  Let people praise thee, Lord; let them
         praise thee, both great and small.

   6     The earth her fruit shall yield,
         our God shall blessing send.
   7  God shall us bless; men shall him fear
         unto earth's utmost end.

 Psalm 67 - Second Version.

   1  Lord, unto us be merciful,
         do thou us also bless;
      And graciously cause shine on us
         the brightness of thy face:

   2  That so thy way upon the earth
         to all men may be known;
      Also among the nations all
         thy saving health be shown.

   3  O let the people praise thee, Lord;
         let people all thee praise.
   4  O let the nations be glad,
         and sing for joy always:

      For rightly thou shalt people judge,
         and nations rule on earth.
   5  Let people praise thee, Lord; let all
         the folk praise thee with mirth.

   6  Then shall the earth yield her increase;
         God, our God, bless us shall.
   7  God shall us bless; and of the earth
         the ends shall fear him all.

Psalm 68.

   1  Let God arise, and scattered
         let all his en'mies be;
      And let all those that do him hate
         before his presence flee.

   2  As smoke is driv'n, so drive thou them;
         as fire melts wax away,
      Before God's face let wicked men
         so perish and decay.

   3  But let the righteous be glad:
         let them before God's sight
      Be very joyful; yea, let them
         rejoice with all their might.

   4  To God sing, to his name sing praise;
         extol him with your voice,
      That rides on heav'n, by his name Jah,
         before his face rejoice.

   5  Because the Lord a father is
         unto the fatherless;
      God is the widow's judge, within
         his place of holiness.

   6  God doth the solitary set
         in fam'lies: and from bands
      The chain'd doth free; but rebels do
         inhabit parched lands.

   7  O God, what time thou didst go forth
         before thy people's face;
      And when through the great wilderness
         thy glorious marching was;

   8  Then at God's presence shook the earth,
         then drops from heaven fell;
      This Sinai shook before the Lord,
         the God of Israel.

   9  O God, thou to thine heritage
         didst send a plenteous rain,
      Whereby thou, when it weary was,
         didst it refresh again.

  10  Thy congregation then did make
         their habitation there:
      Of thine own goodness for the poor,
         O God, thou didst prepare.

  11  The Lord himself did give the word,
         the word abroad did spread;
      Great was the company of them
         the same who published.

  12  Kings of great armies foiled were,
         and forced to flee away;
      And women, who remained at home,
         did distribute the prey.

  13  Though ye have lien among the pots,
         like doves ye shall appear,
      Whose wings with silver, and with gold
         whose feathers covered are.

  14  When there th' Almighty scatter'd kings,
         like Salmon's snow 'twas white.
  15  God's hill is like to Bashan hill,
         like Bashan hill for height.

  16  Why do ye leap, ye mountains high?
         this is the hill where God
      Desires to dwell; yea, God in it
         for aye will make abode.

  17  God's chariots twenty thousand are,
         thousands of angels strong;
      In's holy place God is, as in
         mount Sinai, them among.

  18  Thou hast, O Lord, most glorious,
         ascended up on high;
      And in triumph victorious led
         captive captivity:

      Thou hast received gifts for men,
         for such as did rebel;
      Yea, ev'n for them, that God the Lord
         in midst of them might dwell.

  19  Blessed be the Lord, who is to us
         of our salvation God;
      Who daily with his benefits
         us plenteously doth load.

  20  He of salvation is the God,
         who is our God most strong;
      And unto God the Lord from death
         the issues do belong.

  21  But surely God shall wound the head
         of those that are his foes;
      The hairy scalp of him that still
         on in his trespass goes.

  22  God said, My people I will bring
         again from Bashan hill;
      Yea, from the sea's devouring depths
         them bring again I will;

  23  That in the blood of enemies
         thy foot imbrued may be,
      And of thy dogs dipped in the same
         the tongues thou mayest see.

  24  Thy goings they have seen, O God;
         the steps of majesty
      Of my God, and my mighty King,
         within the sanctuary.

  25  Before went singers, players next
         on instruments took way;
      And them among the damsels were
         that did on timbrels play.

  26  Within the congregations
         bless God with one accord:
      From Isr'el's fountain do ye bless
         and praise the mighty Lord.

  27  With their prince, little Benjamin,
         princes and council there
      Of Judah were, there Zabulon's
         and Napht'li's princes were.

  28  Thy God commands thy strength; make strong
         what thou wrought'st for us, Lord.
  29  For thy house at Jerusalem
         kings shall thee gifts afford.

  30  The spearmen's host, the multitude
         of bulls, which fiercely look,
      Those calves which people have forth sent,
         O Lord our God, rebuke,

      Till ev'ry one submit himself,
         and silver pieces bring:
      The people that delight in war
         disperse, O God and King.

  31  Those that be princes great shall then
         come out of Egypt lands;
      And Ethiopia to God
         shall soon stretch out her hands.

  32  O all ye kingdoms of the earth,
         sing praises to this King;
      For he is Lord that ruleth all,
         unto him praises sing.

  33  To him that rides on heav'ns of heav'ns,
         which he of old did found;
      Lo, he sends out his voice, a voice
         in might that doth abound.

  34  Strength unto God do ye ascribe;
         for his excellency
      Is over Israel, his strength
         is in the clouds most high.

  35  Thou'rt from thy temple dreadful, Lord;
         Isr'el's own God is he,
      Who gives his people strength and pow'r:
         O let God blessed be.

Psalm 69.

   1  Save me, O God, because the floods
         do so environ me,
      That ev'n unto my very soul
         come in the waters be.

   2  I downward in deep mire do sink,
         where standing there is none:
      I am into deep waters come,
         where floods have o'er me gone.

   3  I weary with my crying am,
         my throat is also dried;
      Mine eyes do fail, while for my God
         I waiting do abide.

   4  Those men that do without a cause
         bear hatred unto me,
      Than are the hairs upon my head
         in number more they be:

      They that would me destroy, and are
         mine en'mies wrongfully,
      Are mighty: so what I took not,
         to render forced was I.

   5  Lord, thou my folly know'st, my sins
         not covered are from thee.
   6  Let none that wait on thee be shamed,
         Lord God of hosts, for me.

      O Lord, the God of Israel,
         let none, who search do make,
      And seek thee, be at any time
         confounded for my sake.

   7  For I have borne reproach for thee,
         my face is hid with shame.
   8  To brethren strange, to mother's sons
         an alien I became.

   9  Because the zeal did eat me up,
         which to thine house I bear;
      And the reproaches cast at thee,
         upon me fallen are.

  10  My tears and fasts, t' afflict my soul,
         were turned to my shame.
  11  When sackcloth I did wear, to them
         a proverb I became.

  12  The men that in the gate do sit
         against me evil spake;
      They also that vile drunkards were
         of me their song did make.

  13  But, in an acceptable time,
         my pray'r, Lord, is to thee:
      In truth of thy salvation, Lord,
         and mercy great, hear me.

  14  Deliver me out of the mire,
         from sinking do me keep;
      Free me from those that do me hate,
         and from the waters deep.

  15  Let not the flood on me prevail,
         whose water overflows;
      Nor deep me swallow, nor the pit
         her mouth upon me close.

  16  Hear me, O Lord, because thy love
         and kindness is most good;
      Turn unto me, according to
         thy mercies' multitude.

  17  Nor from thy servant hide thy face:
         I'm troubled, soon attend.
  18  Draw near my soul, and it redeem;
         me from my foes defend.

  19  To thee is my reproach well known,
         my shame, and my disgrace:
      Those that mine adversaries be
          are all before thy face.

  20  Reproach hath broke my heart; I'm full
         of grief: I looked for one
      To pity me, but none I found;
         comforters found I none.

  21  They also bitter gall did give
         unto me for my meat:
      They gave me vinegar to drink,
         when as my thirst was great.

  22  Before them let their table prove
         a snare; and do thou make
      Their welfare and prosperity
         a trap themselves to take.

  23  Let thou their eyes so darkened be,
         that sight may them forsake;
      And let their loins be made by thee
         continually to shake.

  24  Thy fury pour thou out on them,
         and indignation;
      And let thy wrathful anger, Lord,
         fast hold take them upon.

  25  All waste and desolate let be
         their habitation;
      And in their tabernacles all
         inhabitants be none.

  26  Because him they do persecute,
         whom thou didst smite before;
      They talk unto the grief of those
         whom thou hast wounded sore.

  27  Add thou iniquity unto
         their former wickedness;
      And do not let them come at all
         into thy righteousness.

  28  Out of the book of life let them
         be razed and blotted quite;
      Among the just and righteous
         let not their names be writ.

  29  But now become exceeding poor
         and sorrowful am I:
      By thy salvation, O my God,
         let me be set on high.

  30  The name of God I with a song
         most cheerfully will praise;
      And I, in giving thanks to him,
         his name shall highly raise.

  31  This to the Lord a sacrifice
         more gracious shall prove
      Than bullock, ox, or any beast
         that hath both horn and hoof.

  32  When this the humble men shall see,
         it joy to them shall give:
      O all ye that do seek the Lord,
         your hearts shall ever live.

  33  For God the poor hears, and will not
         his prisoners contemn.
  34  Let heav'n, and earth, and seas, him praise,
         and all that move in them.

  35  For God will Judah's cities build,
         and he will Zion save,
      That they may dwell therein, and it
         in sure possession have.

  36  And they that are his servants' seed
         inherit shall the same;
      So shall they have their dwelling there
         that love his blessed name.

Psalm 70 - First Version.

   1     Lord, haste me to deliver;
         with speed, Lord, succor me.
   2  Let them that for my soul do seek
         shamed and confounded be:

         Turned back be they, and shamed,
         that in my hurt delight.
   3  Turned back be they, Ha, ha! that say,
         their shaming to requite.

   4     In thee let all be glad,
         and joy that seek for thee:
      Let them who thy salvation love
         say still, God praised be.

   5     I poor and needy am;
         come, Lord, and make no stay:
      My help thou and deliv'rer art;
         O Lord, make no delay.

Psalm 70 - Second Version.

   1  Make haste, O God, me to preserve;
         with speed, Lord, succor me.
   2  Let them that for my soul do seek
         shamed and confounded be:

      Let them be turned back, and shamed,
         that in my hurt delight.
   3  Turned back be they, Ha, ha! that say,
         their shaming to requite.

   4  O Lord, in thee let all be glad,
         and joy that seek for thee:
      Let them who thy salvation love
         say still, God praised be.

   5  But I both poor and needy am;
         come, Lord, and make no stay:
      My help thou and deliv'rer art;
         O Lord, make no delay.

Psalms 71-75

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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