Psalms Of David 31-35 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 31.

   1  In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
         shamed let me never be;
      According to thy righteousness
         do thou deliver me.

   2  Bow down thine ear to me, with speed
         send me deliverance:
      To save me, my strong rock be thou,
         and my house of defense.

   3  Because thou art my rock, and thee
         I for my fortress take;
      Therefore do thou me lead and guide,
         ev'n for thine own name's sake.

   4  And since thou art my strength, therefore
         pull me out of the net,
      Which they in subtlety for me
         so privily have set.

   5  Into thine hands I do commit
         my sp'rit: for thou art he,
      O thou, Jehovah, God of truth,
         that hast redeemed me.

   6  Those that do lying vanities
         regard, I have abhorred:
      But as for me, my confidence
         is fixed on the Lord.

   7  I'll in thy mercy gladly joy:
         for thou my miseries
      Considered hast; thou hast my soul
         known in adversities:

   8  And thou hast not enclosed me
         within the en'my's hand;
      And by thee have my feet been made
         in a large room to stand.

   9  O Lord, upon me mercy have,
         for trouble is on me:
      Mine eye, my belly, and my soul,
         with grief consumed be.

  10  Because my life with grief is spent,
         my years with sighs and groans:
      My strength doth fail; and for my sin
         consumed are my bones.

  11  I was a scorn to all my foes,
         and to my friends a fear;
      And specially reproached of those
         that were my neighbors near:

      When they me saw they from me fled.
  12     Ev'n so I am forgot,
      As men are out of mind when dead:
         I'm like a broken pot.

  13  For slanders I of many heard;
         fear compassed me, while they
      Against me did consult, and plot
         to take my life away.

  14  But as for me, O Lord, my trust
         upon thee I did lay;
      And I to thee, Thou art my God,
         did confidently say.

  15  My times are wholly in thine hand:
         do thou deliver me
      From their hands that mine enemies
         and persecutors be.

  16  Thy countenance to shine do thou
         upon thy servant make:
      Unto me give salvation,
         for thy great mercies' sake.

  17  Let me not be ashamed, O Lord,
         for on thee called I have:
      Let wicked men be shamed, let them
         be silent in the grave.

  18  To silence put the lying lips,
         that grievous things do say,
      And hard reports, in pride and scorn,
         on righteous men do lay.

  19  How great's the goodness thou for them
         that fear thee keep'st in store,
      And wrought'st for them that trust in thee
         the sons of men before!

  20  In secret of thy presence thou
         shalt hide them from man's pride:
      From strife of tongues thou closely shalt,
         as in a tent, them hide.

  21  All praise and thanks be to the Lord;
         for he hath magnified
      His wondrous love to me within
         a city fortified.

  22  For from thine eyes cut off I am,
         I in my haste had said;
      My voice yet heard'st thou, when to thee
         with cries my moan I made.

  23  O love the Lord, all ye his saints;
         because the Lord doth guard
      The faithful, and he plenteously
         proud doers doth reward.

  24  Be of good courage, and He strength
         unto your heart shall send,
      All ye whose hope and confidence
         doth on the Lord depend.

Psalm 32.

   1  O blessed is the man to whom
         is freely pardoned
      All the transgression he hath done,
         whose sin is covered.

   2  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord
         imputeth not his sin,
      And in whose sp'rit there is no guile,
         nor fraud is found therein.

   3  When as I did refrain my speech,
         and silent was my tongue,
      My bones then waxed old, because
         I roared all day long.

   4  For upon me both day and night
         thine hand did heavy lie,
      So that my moisture turned is
         in summer's drought thereby.

   5  I thereupon have unto thee
         my sin acknowledged,
      And likewise mine iniquity
         I have not covered:

      I will confess unto the Lord
         my trespasses, said I;
      And of my sin thou freely didst
         forgive th' iniquity.

   6  For this shall ev'ry godly one
         his prayer make to thee;
      In such a time he shall thee seek,
         as found thou mayest be.

      Surely, when floods of waters great
         do swell up to the brim,
      They shall not overwhelm his soul,
         nor once come near to him.

   7  Thou art my hiding-place, thou shalt
         from trouble keep me free:
      Thou with songs of deliverance
         about shalt compass me.

   8  I will instruct thee, and thee teach
         the way that thou shalt go;
      And, with mine eye upon thee set,
         I will direction show.

   9  Then be not like the horse or mule,
         which do not understand;
      Whose mouth, lest they come near to thee,
         a bridle must command.

  10  Unto the man that wicked is
         his sorrows shall abound;
      But him that trusteth in the Lord
         mercy shall compass round.

  11  Ye righteous, in the Lord be glad,
         in him do ye rejoice:
      All ye that upright are in heart,
         for joy lift up your voice.

Psalm 33.

   1  Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;
         it comely is and right,
      That upright men, with thankful voice,
         should praise the Lord of might.

   2  Praise God with harp, and unto him
         sing with the psaltery;
      Upon a ten-stringed instrument
         make ye sweet melody.

   3  A new song to him sing, and play
         with loud noise skilfully;
   4  For right is God's word, all his works
         are done in verity.

   5  To judgment and to righteousness
         a love he beareth still;
      The loving-kindness of the Lord
         the earth throughout doth fill.

   6  The heavens by the word of God
         did their beginning take;
      And by the breathing of his mouth
         he all their hosts did make.

   7  The waters of the seas he brings
         together as an heap;
      And in storehouses, as it were,
         he layeth up the deep.

   8  Let earth, and all that live therein,
         with rev'rence fear the Lord;
      Let all the world's inhabitants
         dread him with one accord.

   9  For he did speak the word, and done
         it was without delay;
      Established it firmly stood,
         whatever he did say.

  10  God doth the counsel bring to naught
         which heathen folk do take;
      And what the people do devise
         of none effect doth make.

  11  O but the counsel of the Lord
         doth stand for ever sure;
      And of his heart the purposes
         from age to age endure.

  12  That nation blessed is, whose God
         Jehovah is, and those
      A blessed people are, whom for
         his heritage he chose.

  13  The Lord from heav'n sees and beholds
         all sons of men full well:
  14  He views all from his dwelling-place
         that in the earth do dwell.

  15  He forms their hearts alike, and all
         their doings he observes.
  16  Great hosts save not a king, much strength
         no mighty man preserves.

  17  An horse for preservation
         is a deceitful thing;
      And by the greatness of his strength
         can no deliv'rance bring.

  18  Behold on those that do him fear
         the Lord doth set his eye;
      Ev'n those who on his mercy do
         with confidence rely.

  19  From death to free their soul, in dearth
         life unto them to yield.
  20  Our soul doth wait upon the Lord;
         he is our help and shield.

  21  Since in his holy name we trust,
         our heart shall joyful be.
  22  Lord, let thy mercy be on us,
         as we do hope in thee.

Psalm 34.

   1  God will I bless all times; his praise
         my mouth shall still express.
   2  My soul shall boast in God: the meek
         shall hear with joyfulness.

   3  Extol the Lord with me, let us
         exalt his name together.
   4  I sought the Lord, he heard, and did
         me from all fears deliver.

   5  They looked to him, and lightened were:
         not shamed were their faces.
   6  This poor man cried, God heard, and saved
         him from all his distresses.

   7  The angel of the Lord encamps,
         and round encompasseth
      All those about that do him fear,
         and them delivereth.

   8  O taste and see that God is good:
         who trusts in him is blessed.
   9  Fear God his saints: none that him fear
         shall be with want oppressed.

  10  The lions young may hungry be,
         and they may lack their food:
      But they that truly seek the Lord
         shall not lack any good.

  11  O children, hither do ye come,
         and unto me give ear;
      I shall you teach to understand
         how ye the Lord should fear.

  12  What man is he that life desires,
         to see good would live long?
  13  Thy lips refrain from speaking guile,
         and from ill words thy tongue.

  14  Depart from ill, do good, seek peace,
         pursue it earnestly.
  15  God's eyes are on the just; his ears
         are open to their cry.

  16  The face of God is set against
         those that do wickedly,
      That he may quite out from the earth
         cut off their memory.

  17  The righteous cry unto the Lord,
         he unto them gives ear;
      And they out of their troubles all
         by him delivered are.

  18  The Lord is ever nigh to them
         that be of broken sp'rit;
      To them he safety doth afford
         that are in heart contrite.

  19  The troubles that afflict the just
         in number many be;
      But yet at length out of them all
         the Lord doth set him free.

  20  He carefully his bones doth keep,
         whatever can befall;
      That not so much as one of them
         can broken be at all.

  21  Ill shall the wicked slay; laid waste
         shall be who hate the just.
  22  The Lord redeems his servants' souls;
         none perish that him trust.

Psalm 35.

   1  Plead, Lord, with those that plead; and fight
         with those that fight with me.
   2  Of shield and buckler take thou hold,
         stand up mine help to be.

   3  Draw also out the spear, and do
         against them stop the way
      That me pursue: unto my soul,
         I'm thy salvation, say.

   4  Let them confounded be and shamed
         that for my soul have sought:
      Who plot my hurt turned back be they,
         and to confusion brought.

   5  Let them be like unto the chaff
         that flies before the wind;
      And let the angel of the Lord
         pursue them hard behind.

   6  With darkness cover thou their way,
         and let it slipp'ry prove;
      And let the angel of the Lord
         pursue them from above.

   7  For without cause have they for me
         their net hid in a pit,
      They also have without a cause
         for my soul digged it.

   8  Let ruin seize him unawares;
         his net he hid withal
      Himself let catch; and in the same
         destruction let him fall.

   9  My soul in God shall joy; and glad
         in his salvation be:
  10  And all my bones shall say, O Lord,
         who is like unto thee,

      Which dost the poor set free from him
         that is for him too strong;
      The poor and needy from the man
         that spoils and does him wrong?

  11  False witnesses rose; to my charge
         things I not knew they laid.
  12  They, to the spoiling of my soul,
         me ill for good repaid.

  13  But as for me, when they were sick,
         in sackcloth sad I mourned:
      My humbled soul did fast, my pray'r
         into my bosom turned.

  14  Myself I did behave as he
         had been my friend or brother;
      I heavily bowed down, as one
         that mourneth for his mother.

  15  But in my trouble they rejoiced,
         gath'ring themselves together;
      Yea, objects vile together did
         themselves against me gather:

      I knew it not; they did me tear,
         and quiet would not be.
  16  With mocking hypocrites, at feasts
         they gnashed their teeth at me.

  17  How long, Lord, look'st thou on? from those
         destructions they intend
      Rescue my soul, from lions young
         my darling do defend.

  18  I will give thanks to thee, O Lord,
         within th' assembly great;
      And where much people gathered are
         thy praises forth will set.

  19  Let not my wrongful enemies
         proudly rejoice o'er me;
      Nor who me hate without a cause,
         let them wink with the eye.

  20  For peace they do not speak at all;
         but crafty plots prepare
      Against all those within the land
         that meek and quiet are.

  21  With mouths set wide, they 'gainst me said,
         Ha, ha! our eye doth see.
  22  Lord, thou hast seen, hold not thy peace;
         Lord, be not far from me.

  23  Stir up thyself; wake, that thou may'st
         judgment to me afford,
      Ev'n to my cause, O thou that art
         my only God and Lord.

  24  O Lord my God, do thou me judge
         after thy righteousness;
      And let them not their joy 'gainst me
         triumphantly express:

  25  Nor let them say within their hearts,
         Ah, we would have it thus;
      Nor suffer them to say, that he
         is swallowed up by us.

  26  Shamed and confounded be they all
         that at my hurt are glad;
      Let those against me that do boast
         with shame and scorn be clad.

  27  Let them that love my righteous cause
         be glad, shout, and not cease
      To say, The Lord be magnified,
         who loves his servant's peace.

  28  Thy righteousness shall also be
         declared by my tongue;
      The praises that belong to thee
         speak shall it all day long.

Psalms 36-40

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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