Psalms Of David 146-150 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 146.

 1  Praise God. The Lord praise, O my soul.
 2     I'll praise God while I live;
    While I have being to my God
       in songs I'll praises give.

 3  Trust not in princes, nor man's son,
       in whom there is no stay:
 4  His breath departs, to's earth he turns;
       that day his thoughts decay.

 5  O happy is that man and blest,
       whom Jacob's God doth aid;
    Whose hope upon the Lord doth rest,
       and on his God is stayed:

 6  Who made the earth and heavens high,
       who made the swelling deep,
    And all that is within the same;
       who truth doth ever keep:

 7  Who righteous judgment executes
       for those oppressed that be,
    Who to the hungry giveth food;
       God sets the pris'ners free.

 8  The Lord doth give the blind their sight,
       the bowed down doth raise:
    The Lord doth dearly love all those
       that walk in upright ways.

 9  The stranger's shield, the widow's stay,
       the orphan's help, is he:
    But yet by him the wicked's way
       turned upside down shall be.

10  The Lord shall reign for evermore:
       thy God, O Zion, he
    Reigns to all generations.
       Praise to the Lord give ye.

Psalm 147.

  1  Praise ye the Lord; for it is good
        praise to our God to sing:
     For it is pleasant, and to praise
        it is a comely thing.

  2  God doth build up Jerusalem;
        and he it is alone
     That the dispersed of Israel
        doth gather into one.

  3  Those that are broken in their heart,
        and grieved in their minds,
     He healeth, and their painful wounds
        he tenderly up-binds.

  4  He counts the number of the stars;
        he names them ev'ry one.
  5  Great is our Lord, and of great pow'r;
        his wisdom search can none.

  6  The Lord lifts up the meek; and casts
        the wicked to the ground.
  7  Sing to the Lord, and give him thanks;
        on harp his praises sound;

  8  Who covereth the heav'n with clouds,
        who for the earth below
     Prepareth rain, who maketh grass
        upon the mountains grow.

  9  He gives the beast his food, he feeds
        the ravens young that cry.
 10  His pleasure not in horses' strength,
        nor in man's legs, doth lie.

 11  But in all those that do him fear
        the Lord doth pleasure take;
     In those that to his mercy do
        by hope themselves betake.

 12  The Lord praise, O Jerusalem;
        Zion, thy God confess:
 13  For thy gates' bars he maketh strong;
        thy sons in thee doth bless.

 14  He in thy borders maketh peace;
        with fine wheat filleth thee.
 15  He sends forth his command on earth,
        his word runs speedily.

 16  Hoar-frost, like ashes, scatt'reth he;
        like wool he snow doth give:
 17  Like morsels casteth forth his ice;
        who in its cold can live?

 18  He sendeth forth his mighty word,
        and melteth them again;
     His wind he makes to blow, and then
        the waters flow amain.

 19  The doctrine of his holy word
        to Jacob he doth show;
     His statutes and his judgments he
        gives Israel to know.

 20  To any nation never he
        such favor did afford;
     For they his judgments have not known.
        O do ye praise the Lord.

Psalm 148 - First  Version.

  1  Praise God. From heavens praise the Lord,
        in heights praise to him be.
  2  All ye his angels, praise ye him;
        his hosts all, praise him ye.

  3  O praise ye him, both sun and moon,
        praise him, all stars of light.
  4  Ye heav'ns of heav'ns him praise, and floods
        above the heavens' height.

  5  Let all the creatures praise the name
        of our almighty Lord:
     For he commanded, and they were
        created by his word.

  6  He also, for all times to come,
        hath them established sure;
     He hath appointed them a law,
        which ever shall endure.

  7  Praise ye Jehovah from the earth,
        dragons, and ev'ry deep:
  8  Fire, hail, snow, vapor, stormy wind,
        his word that fully keep.

  9  All hills and mountains, fruitful trees,
        and all ye cedars high:
 10  Beasts, and all cattle, creeping things,
        and all ye birds that fly.

 11  Kings of the earth, all nations,
        princes, earth's judges all:
 12  Both young men, yea, and maidens too,
        old men, and children small.

 13  Let them God's name praise; for his name
        alone is excellent:
     His glory reacheth far above
        the earth and firmament.

 14  His people's horn, the praise of all
        his saints, exalteth he;
     Ev'n Isr'el's seed, a people near
        to him. The Lord praise ye.

Psalm 148 - Second Version.

  1  The Lord of heav'n confess,
     On high his glory raise.
  2  Him let all angels bless,
     Him all his armies praise.
  3       Him glorify
          Sun, moon, and stars;
  4       Ye higher spheres,
          And cloudy sky.

  5  From God your beings are,
     Him therefore famous make;
     You all created were,
     When he the word but spake.
  6       And from that place,
          Where fixed you be
          By his decree,
          You cannot pass.

  7  Praise God from earth below,
     Ye dragons, and ye deeps:
  8  Fire, hail, clouds, wind, and snow.
     Whom in command he keeps.
  9       Praise ye his name,
          Hills great and small,
          Trees low and tall;
 10       Beasts wild and tame;

     All things that creep or fly.
 11  Ye kings, ye vulgar throng,
     All princes mean or high;
 12  Both men and virgins young,
          Ev'n young and old,
 13       Exalt his name;
          For much his fame
          Should be extolled.

     O let God's name be praised
     Above both earth and sky;
 14  For he his saints hath raised,
     And set their horn on high;
          Ev'n those that be
          Of Isr'el's race,
          Near to his grace.
          The Lord praise ye. 

Psalm 149.

   1  Praise ye the Lord: unto him sing
         a new song, and his praise
      In the assembly of his saints
         in sweet psalms do ye raise.

   2  Let Isr'el in his Maker joy,
         and to him praises sing:
      Let all that Zion's children are
         be joyful in their King.

   3  O let them unto his great name
         give praises in the dance;
      Let them with timbrel and with harp
         in songs his praise advance.

   4  For God doth pleasure take in those
         that his own people be;
      And he with his salvation
         the meek will beautify.

   5  And in his glory excellent
         let all his saints rejoice:
      Let them to him upon their beds
         aloud lift up their voice.

   6  Let in their mouth aloft be raised
         the high praise of the Lord,
      And let them have in their right hand
         a sharp two-edged sword;

   7  To execute the vengeance due
         upon the heathen all,
      And make deserved punishment
         upon the people fall.

   8  And ev'n with chains, as pris'ners, bind
         their kings that them command;
      Yea, and with iron fetters strong,
         the nobles of their land.

   9  On them the judgment to perform
         found written in his word:
      This honor is to all his saints.
         O do ye praise the Lord.

Psalm 150.

   1  Praise ye the Lord. God's praise within
         his sanctuary raise;
      And to him in the firmament
         of his pow'r give ye praise.

   2  Because of all his mighty acts,
         with praise him magnify:
      O praise him, as he doth excel
         in glorious majesty.

   3  Praise him with trumpet's sound; his praise
         with psaltery advance:
   4  With timbrel, harp, stringed instruments,
         and organs, in the dance.

   5  Praise him on cymbals loud; him praise
         on cymbals sounding high.
   6  Let each thing breathing praise the Lord.
         Praise to the Lord give ye.

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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