Psalms Of David 111-118 COS


Psalms Of David

In Metre

According To

The Version

Approved By

The Church Of Scotland

And Appointed To Be Used In Worship. 

Psalm 111.

 1  Praise ye the Lord: with my whole heart
       I will God's praise declare,
    Where the assemblies of the just
       and congregations are.

 2  The whole works of the Lord our God
       are great above all measure,
    Sought out they are of ev'ry one
       that doth therein take pleasure.

 3  His work most honourable is,
       most glorious and pure,
    And his untainted righteousness
       for ever doth endure.

 4  His works most wonderful he hath
       made to be thought upon:
    The Lord is gracious, and he is
       full of compassion.

 5  He giveth meat unto all those
       that truly do him fear;
    And evermore his covenant
       he in his mind will bear.

 6  He did the power of his works
       unto his people show,
    When he the heathen's heritage
       upon them did bestow.

 7  His handy-works are truth and right;
       all his commands are sure:
 8  And, done in truth and uprightness,
       they evermore endure.

 9  He sent redemption to his folk;
       his covenant for aye
    He did command: holy his name
       and rev'rend is alway.

10  Wisdom's beginning is God's fear:
       good understanding they
    Have all that his commands fulfill:
       his praise endures for aye.

Psalm 112.

 1  Praise ye the Lord. The man is blessed
       that fears the Lord aright,
    He who in his commandments
       doth greatly take delight.

 2  His seed and offspring powerful
       shall be the earth upon:
    Of upright men blessed shall be
       the generation.

 3  Riches and wealth shall ever be
       within his house in store;
    And his unspotted righteousness
       endures for evermore.

 4  Unto the upright light doth rise,
       though he in darkness be:
    Compassionate, and merciful,
       and righteous, is he.

 5  A good man doth his favor show,
       and doth to others lend:
    He with discretion his affairs
       will guide unto the end.

 6  Surely there is not any thing
       that ever shall him move:
    The righteous man's memorial
       shall everlasting prove.

 7  When he shall evil tidings hear,
       he shall not be afraid:
    His heart is fixed, his confidence
       upon the Lord is stayed.

 8  His heart is firmly stablished,
       afraid he shall not be,
    Until upon his enemies
       he his desire shall see.

 9  He hath dispersed, giv'n to the poor;
       his righteousness shall be
    To ages all; with honor shall
       his horn be raised high.

10  The wicked shall it see, and fret,
       his teeth gnash, melt away:
    What wicked men do most desire
       shall utterly decay.

Psalm 113.

 1  Praise God: ye servants of the Lord,
       O praise, the Lord's name praise.
 2  Yea, blessed be the name of God
       from this time forth always.

 3  From rising sun to where it sets,
       God's name is to be praised.
 4  Above all nations God is high,
       'bove heav'ns his glory raised.

 5  Unto the Lord our God that dwells
       on high, who can compare?
 6  Himself that humbleth things to see
       in heav'n and earth that are.

 7  He from the dust doth raise the poor,
       that very low doth lie;
    And from the dunghill lifts the man
       oppressed with poverty;

 8  That he may highly him advance,
       and with the princes set;
    With those that of his people are
       the chief, ev'n princes great.

 9  The barren woman house to keep
       he maketh, and to be
    Of sons a mother full of joy.
       Praise to the Lord give ye.

Psalm 114.

 1  When Isr'el out of Egypt went,
       and did his dwelling change,
    When Jacob's house went out from those
       that were of language strange,

 2  He Judah did his sanctuary,
       his kingdom Isr'el make:
 3  The sea it saw, and quickly fled,
       Jordan was driven back.

 4  Like rams the mountains, and like lambs
       the hills skipped to and fro.
 5  O sea, why fledd'st thou? Jordan, back
       why wast thou driven so?

 6  Ye mountains great, wherefore was it
       that ye did skip like rams?
    And wherefore was it, little hills,
       that ye did leap like lambs?

 7  O at the presence of the Lord,
       earth, tremble thou for fear,
    While as the presence of the God
       of Jacob doth appear:

 8  Who from the hard and stony rock
       did standing water bring;
    And by his pow'r did turn the flint
       into a water-spring. 

Psalm 115.

 1  Not unto us, Lord, not to us,
       but do thou glory take
    Unto thy name, ev'n for thy truth,
       and for thy mercy's sake.

 2  O wherefore should the heathen say,
       Where is their God now gone?
 3  But our God in the heavens is,
       what pleased him he hath done.

 4  Their idols silver are and gold,
       work of men's hands they be.
 5  Mouths have they, but they do not speak;
       and eyes, but do not see;

 6  Ears have they, but they do not hear;
       noses, but savor not;
 7  Hands, feet, but handle not, nor walk;
       nor speak they through their throat.

 8  Like them their makers are, and all
       on them their trust that build.
 9  O Isr'el, trust thou in the Lord,
       he is their help and shield.

10  O Aaron's house, trust in the Lord,
       their help and shield is he.
11  Ye that fear God, trust in the Lord,
       their help and shield he'll be.

12  The Lord of us hath mindful been,
       and he will bless us still:
    He will the house of Isr'el bless,
       bless Aaron's house he will.

13  Both small and great, that fear the Lord,
       he will them surely bless.
14  The Lord will you, you and your seed,
       aye more and more increase.

15  O blessed are ye of the Lord,
       who made the earth and heav'n.
16  The heav'n, ev'n heav'ns, are God's, but he
       earth to men's sons hath giv'n.

17  The dead, nor who to silence go,
       God's praise do not record.
18  But henceforth we for ever will
       bless God. Praise ye the Lord.

Psalm 116.

 1  I love the Lord, because my voice
       and prayers he did hear.
 2  I, while I live, will call on him,
       who bowed to me his ear.

 3  Of death the cords and sorrows did
       about me compass round;
    The pains of hell took hold on me,
       I grief and trouble found.

 4  Upon the name of God the Lord
       then did I call, and say,
    Deliver thou my soul, O Lord,
       I do thee humbly pray.

 5  God merciful and righteous is,
       yea, gracious is our Lord.
 6  God saves the meek: I was brought low,
       he did me help afford.

 7  O thou my soul, do thou return
       unto thy quiet rest;
    For largely, lo, the Lord to thee
       his bounty hath expressed.

 8  For my distressed soul from death
       delivered was by thee:
    Thou didst my mourning eyes from tears,
       my feet from falling, free.

 9  I in the land of those that live
       will walk the Lord before.
10  I did believe, therefore I spake:
       I was afflicted sore.

11  I said, when I was in my haste,
       that all men liars be.
12  What shall I render to the Lord
       for all his gifts to me?

13  I'll of salvation take the cup,
       on God's name will I call:
14  I'll pay my vows now to the Lord
       before his people all.

15  Dear in God's sight is his saints' death.
16     Thy servant, Lord, am I;
    Thy servant sure, thine handmaid's son:
       my bands thou didst untie.

17  Thank off'rings I to thee will give,
       and on God's name will call.
18  I'll pay my vows now to the Lord
       before his people all;

19  Within the courts of God's own house,
       within the midst of thee,
    O city of Jerusalem.
       Praise to the Lord give ye.

Psalm 117.

 1  O give ye praise unto the Lord,
       all nations that be;
    Likewise, ye people all, accord
       his name to magnify.

 2  For great to us-ward ever are
       his loving-kindnesses:
    His truth endures for evermore.
       The Lord O do ye bless.

Psalm 118.

 1  O praise the Lord, for he is good;
       his mercy lasteth ever.
 2  Let those of Israel now say,
       His mercy faileth never.

 3  Now let the house of Aaron say,
       His mercy lasteth ever.
 4  Let those that fear the Lord now say,
       His mercy faileth never.

 5  I in distress call'd on the Lord;
       the Lord did answer me:
    He in a large place did me set,
       from trouble made me free.

 6  The mighty Lord is on my side,
       I will not be afraid;
    For any thing that man can do
       I shall not be dismay'd.

 7  The Lord doth take my part with them
       that help to succour me:
    Therefore on those that do me hate
       I my desire shall see.

 8  Better it is to trust in God
       than trust in man's defence;
 9  Better to trust in God than make
       princes our confidence.

10  The nations, joining all in one,
       did compass me about:
    But in the Lord's most holy name
       I shall them all root out.

11  They compass'd me about; I say,
       they compass'd me about:
    But in the Lord's most holy name
       I shall them all root out.

12  Like bees they compass'd me about;
       like unto thorns that flame
    They quenched are: for them shall I
       destroy in God's own name.

13  Thou sore hast thrust, that I might fall,
       but my Lord helped me.
14  God my salvation is become,
       my strength and song is he.

15  In dwellings of the righteous
       is heard the melody
    Of joy and health: the Lord's right hand
       doth ever valiantly.

16  The right hand of the mighty Lord
       exalted is on high;
    The right hand of the mighty Lord
       doth ever valiantly.

17  I shall not die, but live, and shall
       the works of God discover.
18  The Lord hath me chastised sore,
       but not to death giv'n over.

19  O set ye open unto me
       the gates of righteousness;
    Then will I enter into them,
       and I the Lord will bless.

20  This is the gate of God, by it
       the just shall enter in.
21  Thee will I praise, for thou me heard'st
       and hast my safety been.

22  That stone is made head corner-stone,
       which builders did despise:
23  This is the doing of the Lord,
       and wondrous in our eyes.

24  This is the day God made, in it
       we'll joy triumphantly.
25  Save now, I pray thee, Lord; I pray,
       send now prosperity.

26  Blessed is he in God's great name
       that cometh us to save:
    We, from the house which to the Lord
       pertains, you blessed have.

27  God is the Lord, who unto us
       hath made light to arise:
    Bind ye unto the altar's horns
       with cords the sacrifice.

28  Thou art my God, I'll thee exalt;
       my God, I will thee praise.
29  Give thanks to God, for he is good:
       his mercy lasts always.

Psalm 119

The Psalms Of David In Metre By The Church Of Scotland


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